Eddsworld meet Boboiboy

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(Warning:Bahasa English)
Boboiboy:Haduh mana nak pergi rumah senior ni?Takkan kat artic kot.

???:Hey kid,are you lost?

Boboiboy pandang Lelaki itu yang berupa cam ni

(Ada tanduk kucing Dan sepatutnya Mata dia tu silver)

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(Ada tanduk kucing Dan sepatutnya Mata dia tu silver)

Boboiboy:errrr.......What your name?

???:My name's Tord!!

Boboiboy:My name's boboiboy.

Tord:Hey,wanna meet my friend?


(Ingat!!! Boboiboy bukan kena culik so jangan fikir negatif)

Le time skippu~~~

Tord:This is my home with my homies.

Boboiboy:Well,I was quite nervous.

Tord: Don't worry,you gonna like them trust me.

Diorang masuk ke dalam rumah Tord Dan di sapa oleh..........

Diorang masuk ke dalam rumah Tord Dan di sapa oleh

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Edd:Finally,you come Tord!What took you long??

Tord:Well,I meet with this kid.


Edd:Oh a visitor, come in.

Mereka masuk ke dalam rumah Dan boboiboy terserempak dengan seekor kucing milik Edd bernama Ringo.

Boboiboy:Comelnya kucing ni!!!*peluk Ringo*

(Buat aku teringat kat kucing aku Yang dah lama Mati  T^T)

Tord:Errrr,I can't understand what you saying dude.

Boboiboy:Oh,sorry ehehe.//////

????: Who's that Turd?

????: Who's that Turd?

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Ini Matt.

Tord:This is Boboiboy.

Boboiboy:Hi!! You're Matt right??


???;What all commotion is about??

Boboiboy:Ehh??Senior dah jumpa!!!

Boboiboy:Ehh??Senior dah jumpa!!!

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Ini Tom

Tom:Wth, Boboiboy kau tersesat ke?

(Tom faham apa boboiboy cakap so dia kena ajar tiga ekor kawan Bahasa malay)

Boboiboy:Haah,nasib jumpa.

Edd:Wait so this is junior you talking about?


Tord:Hey,do you wanna come stay at our house for a while?

Boboiboy:Sure Torddy!!!

Sori Kalau bosan baca ni,Author has writer block.
Kalau nak bagi idea boleh,asal Kan bukan lemon,smut Dan Yang melibat kan S**

Akita(my oc):Oi!!Bahasa Tu jaga!!Ada bebudak bawah umur woi!!

Me:F*** you b*****.

Ninja K:Toxic punya author.

Me:well,please share buku ni kat kawan korang Yang Ada wattpad.bye Author here to say good life.

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