✧Chapter: 1✧

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Time is meaningless

Time has no start or end

Time only ends for you, but it never really ended

Dream's POV: 3rd person

Days feel longer than normal but weeks go by too quick. Everyday has been feeling like a blur to Clay. Same old routine of living, still holding onto the little hope that things may change, that life will start to make sense and everything will fall into place. But it never does. In reality, he feels like he's slowly losing his mind over the smallest things and doesn't know what to do with himself anymore. "I should probably go to sleep, maybe I won't feel so shitty tomorrow. What do you think, Patchy?" Clay tiredly says, looking over to his cat. Patches lets out a small meow and jumps into his lap. "I'll take that as a yes" he turns off his computer, picking Patches up so they can head off to bed

Clay wakes up to his alarm, the same alarm he always wakes up to, maybe he should change the sound cause it's getting pretty annoying to hear almost everyday. Clay has to wake up fairly early because he works at a coffee shop. It's a pretty popular one which means it's almost always busy but he doesn't mind it at all. The blonde starts his mornings as usual, of course never forgetting to make sure Patches gets something to eat and kisses on the head before he leaves. Though he, himself "forgets" to eat something in the morning. He normally doesn't eat breakfast and will just grab a random energy drink, thinking that it'll do the job

Today was a quieter day than most, letting Clay have some peace before a bunch of people storm in. He noticed someone was at the counter looking over the menu. A short, fluffy haired brunette guy with blue-grayish eyes and a big purple sweater. "Hello, how may I help you?" This seemed to frighten the poor boy, making him yelp and jump back. Face turning red out of embarrassment. "I-uh want the uh iced coffee, caramel iced coffee!" the brunette managed to stutter out. "Will that be all for today?" Clay gave his politest smile, trying not to stress the customer any more. The shorter simply shook his head, giving Clay the right amount of money

"KARL IS THAT YOU?!" Another coworker and very close friend to Clay, Sapnap shouted from the back, quickly running over to the brunette. The two shared a very big hug, laughing and giggling to each other. This really confused Clay, Sapnap has never spoken about a Karl ever in their lives and seeing them give a very overly friendly hug shows that they've known each other for awhile. The blonde decides he should focus on making the coffee and pondering on this mysterious friendship he never knew of. "It's so nice seeing you here!" Sapnap happily greeted. "Oh yeah, you see him over there. That's Dream!" Clay feeling both of their eyes burning into him

"Wait, that's THE Dream?!" Karl excitedly exclaimed. Ok now this is weird, how does this Karl guy know who Clay is but he has no clue Karl even existed, let alone was friends with Sapnap. "What the fuck is going on" Clay silently thought to himself. He handed the coffee to Karl, the brunette very happily took it from his hands and went to sit by a close table with Sapnap, leaving the blonde to question what just happened. He never had someone be this overly excited to see him so this left him pretty speechless, and too lost in thought to realize that another customer just came in

Karl stayed with them until their shifts ended. Sapnap got off before Clay but he still waited for the blonde to get done. Clay hadn't noticed he was still there until he started to head towards the door. "Hey, wait up!" the shorter one beamed, running over to catch up with him. "Oh hey, why are you still here? Do you need a ride home?" Karl giggled at his concern for him "No, I was wondering if we could hang out for a bit!" It was a simple offer but Clay was at a loss for words. It would be nice, make a new friend that apparently knows who you are and just talk about random shit but he's a little nervous about this idea. Rarely talks to new faces, let alone knowing what to do or talk about. It's easy to talk to Sapnap but that's because they've known each other for like forever. He doesn't know him very well to easily start up a conversation. "I mean we don't have to if you have better things to do" Karl started to pick up on Clay's anxious look, not wanting to force himself into the others personal space too soon "No, no it's fine we can hang out. I don't know what you would want to do but down with whatever"

"Well, what do you like to do after work?" Karl questioned as they headed towards Clay's car. "Mhm, I don't know. I just go home, play with my cat, and then sleep" he admitted cause his life is a pretty boring one. "Oh really, that's it?" He nods in agreement, starting up his car and getting in. Karl took that as a sign to also get in. They sit in silence thinking about what they could do. Normally what Clay would do is go to Sapnap's house, but what if he doesn't want to go to his house. Karl asked to hang out with him, not him and Sapnap. "I heard there was a carnival not too far from here, do you wanna go there?" Thank god that he decided on a place to go or they would be there all day just figuring out where to go.

The bright lights and the joyful atmosphere was something that Clay has been missing for a long time. The two wander around riding the many rides there, though mostly sticking playing the games. There was a large bunny that Karl was eyeing down the entire time they were there, he tried getting it but he couldn't get the rings into the hops. Clay noticed how much he wanted so when the brunette wasn't in view, he quickly ran over to try his hand at getting the bunny. "Hey, look at what I got!" The blonde excitedly ran over to the other with the plushie in arms. The shorter one was so thrilled seeing it, laughing and jumping like a little kid. Clay was proud of himself, he made him so happy about something so simple. Hoping that one day, he too can be this excited about something small, but for now he's happy with this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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I'm losing myself and i'm afraid that I might lose you too {Karlwastaken}Where stories live. Discover now