Part One

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Great. Another Christmas at dad's house. I was use to this though. For me, Christmas had always been at dad's house since I lived with him. but Charlie did not seem to be having any fun at all. He practically clung to mom as she was leaving.

"Dad, why couldn't we just order a pizza or something?" I complain, watching my dad struggle with a turkey that was literally on fire.
"What? No- you don't eat pizza on christmas."
"It's better than whatever you're making." I crossed my arms over my chest, slumped against my seat.
"Okay- okay, you know what. Grab your coats, let's go out." Dad finished extinguishing the fire, walking out to where me and Charlie were and grabbed his coat. My brother and I wasted no time in grabbing ours. I'd rather die than eat that monster of a turkey dad made.

Sitting in the front seat of the car, i grimaced as I watched all the good restaurants roll by- all of them were closed. Soon, dad pulled into a Denny's parking lot.
"Really? Oh but we can't have pizza on Christmas?" I glared to my father, scrunching my nose at him. Pizza would have tasted so much better.
"What, it's Denny's! All American, come on." Dad tried to remain optimistic for us, but this night already sucked so hard.
The restaurant was crowded with a big business meeting- and single dads trying to connect with their children- like our dad was.
I looked over the menu, trying to find something appetizing to hold me over until morning. The waitress, who was named Judy I discovered, greeted us and took our orders. They were out of all the good stuff, so I didn't really order anything. I'd just go to bed hungry.

It was bedtime now. Dad was reading Charlie to sleep and I was sat at my vanity, brushing through my hair so it wouldn't get tangled in the night. I got up from the little chair and left my room, trying to get to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth, but I stopped by Charlie's room on the way. Dad and Charlie were talking about Twas the night before Christmas, a story I hadn't heard in ages. Charlie saw me walk by.
"You believe in Santa, right (Y/N)?" Charlie asked, looking at me with his innocent brown eyes.
I stopped believing in Santa when I was eleven, I was sixteen now, but I wasn't about to ruin it for my little brother.
"Of course i do. People who don't are stupid." I answered simply with a smile, before actually making my way to the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth, I went back to my bedroom and put on my pajamas. Some soft red shorts and a matching tee. I didn't need proper pajamas, I would be warm enough under my nice fuzzy blanket. After getting settled in bed, I turned off my lamp and quickly fell asleep.


I awoke to Charlie shaking me awake, quite harshly if I do say so.
"(Y/N) wake up! Wake up! I heard a clatter!" Charlie sounded distressed as he desperately tried to get my attention.
"Charlie.." I was still groggy, and I couldn't quite comprehend my surroundings yet. "Go back to sleep.."
"No, I heard it from the roof top, a clatter!"
"Charlie.." I repeated, getting ready to tell him the exact same thing again before a heard it- sounds coming from the roof.
"Woah.. wait, what was that?"
"A clatter!"
I threw the covers off of myself and stood up, reaching under my bed to grab my old baseball bat.
"Charlie, come on-" I put on my piggy slippers I had gotten for my fifteenth birthday and quickly made my way to dad's room, shaking him awake much like how Charlie shook me.
"There's a clatter." Charlie repeated, but I decided to be more realistic and more detailed.
"Dad there's someone on the roof!" I exclaimed, clutching my bat just in case I needed to use it. Dad denied us, like how I did with Charlie, but once he heard the noises, he was in a panic too.
"Kids, stay here!" Dad quickly put his coat on and rushed outside. Charlie ran after him.
"Hey! Charles, get back here!" I called after my brother, chasing after him and running out into the cold, in my shorts, t-shirt, and embarrassing piggy slippers that oinked every time I took a step. We ran outside to see a man on the ground, having a shocking resemblance to Santa.
"It's Santa! You killed him..." Charlie said, looking at the body.
"This is crazy.." I muttered, i was sure I blacked out, because I couldn't remember a thing. One moment there's a body, then it's gone. Now there's... a ladder? And reindeer! On the roof!

Now i was sitting in the back of a sleigh, rubbing my head.
"That's it, this is a dream, a stupid little dream." I convinced my self, laughing slightly. If it's just a dream, we might as well do something fun.
"Come on, dad, drive the reindeer." I encouraged, crossing my arms over my chest to try and keep myself warm. For a dream, it sure felt real.
"No, come on, kids, let's GO-" those seemed to be the magic words, because we were off like a shot, the reindeer flew through the air, at the speed of light. Dad was screaming from fear, Charlie from amazement- and I was laughing. This was ridiculous. I can't wait to tell dad about this in the morning.

We stopped at a few houses for dad to deliver gifts, and i soon passed out in the back of the sleigh. Sleeping within a dream..? Yeah- sure,... yeah.
I woke up very cold, dad needed to turn the heat on. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my bedroom, but I was met with miles and miles of snow and I was still in the sleigh.
"Dad... where are we?" I shivered a bit, holding onto my self to maintain body heat.
"I don't know, honey-"
"I think we're in the North Pole!" Charlie said enthusiastically, watching an.. elf? Yea, an elf walk out and pull out a pole from the ground.
"Am i still dreaming..?" I asked myself.
"Nope.. we're all awake unfortunately." Dad grumbled, rubbing his temples.
"Dad- i wanna go hOME-" the ground below us started to sink and we were pulled under into some sort of underground... world? No... workshop? Maybe.
"What the fuck."

First chapter done! Sorry the events are kinda fast and there's a lot of Timeskip but I don't want it to be boring filler. Bernard is coming in the next chapter wooo

1098 words

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