Part Seven

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I was in a nice, peaceful sleep. I thought nothing could ruin it- that was until I heard the loud banging on the door and my dad shouting my name.
"(Y/N)! Get up! It's time to head back home to pack!"
I groaned, sitting up in my bed. Couldn't he have waited until like- noon? It was Christmas Day, I feel like I should have been able to sleep in.
"Yeah okay... I'll be out in a minute." I got out of the comfy bed, even though it seemed to pull me in like a hug, I knew I couldn't stay. I stretched, reaching my arms to the heavens, then bringing them down slowly. I debated if I should change out of the pajamas or not. I decided not- it's not like anyone was gonna see me other than dad. I slipped on my piggy slippers and opened the door to come face to face with dad.
"Hey jolly man.." i grumbled sleepily, rubbing my eye with my knuckle. "Couldnt we have waited a bit? It's Christmas Day.. I didn't even get to open my presents.." my words slurred together a bit and my voice was still very groggy, but I didn't care.
"I know honey, but the sooner we get moved in, the better, right? I promise you can open up your presents when we get back." Dad walked with me back to the main area of the North Pole where some of the other elves were.
"Bernard will take you home and help you pack-" at my dad's words, I instantly perked up.
"Bernard?! You didn't tell me he was helping- I would've taken time to actually care how I look!" I shrieked, quickly brushing my fingers through my hair to make it more presentable. Dad looked at me, perplexed. I had never cared much of what anyone thought of me, let alone boys, so I can see where his confusion came from.
"Hey, it's alright, Angel, I've seen a lot worse." A voice rose behind me. Bernard. When i turned to look at him, he was drinking hot cocoa. I rolled my eyes slightly, clearing my throat.
"Okay.. whatever-"
Bernard stepped closer to me and took hold of my hand, but when dad looked over, he quickly let go and just placed his hand on my back. In the snap of a finger and a blink of an eye, we were back home.

I felt A little dizzy from the travel- I didn't know what happened. It felt like I had been floating in space, but only for a second.
"Ugh.. that was weird.." I muttered, shaking my head and looking around my room.
"Okay.. we have to pack everything up and get it to the North Pole.." I knew Bernard could do it with his magic, but I wanted to challenge him. A little smirk appeared on my face.
"And you have to do it using no magic at all. Pretend you're a human."
Bernard scrunched his nose and raised an eyebrow at me, like I was crazy.
"You really want me to do that? When it would be so much easier to use magic? And on Christmas Day-"
"Oh quit whining, elf boy. I'll help you." I waved my arm to walk out of my room and to the garage to find some old boxes to put everything in. I found four, that should be enough for now. I walked back to my room and dumped the boxes on the floor. Bernard was snooping around through my drawers.
"Hey! Get out of those! Start with the closet and take the clothes out and off of the hangers." I ordered, pulling the boy away from my dresser. He raised his hands up in defense and snickered.
"Just trying to help."
"Yeah I'm sure you are." I pushed him towards the closet so he could start taking out the clothes. I would start on the dresser. I didn't want Bernard to go through my underwear drawer- it's embarrassing. I took out the undergarments and placed them neatly into a box, then i put my socks in with them. When I finished with that, I still had some room left, so I put some pajamas in there too. A few clothes down- so many more to go. I looked over at Bernard to see his progress, but I found him holding my old homecoming dress up to his body, examining himself in my full length mirror.
"You think I could pull this off?"
"Bernard! Start packing. And don't mess with that- it was expensive." I snatched the dress from him and carefully placed it in a box. Bernard crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
"Come on angel, this would be so much faster if I could just- at least pack all the boxes with magic- I'll help you unpack without it, honest." He promised, sticking up three fingers as a "scout's honor" symbol. I scrunched my nose, then sighed.
"Yeah you're right. At least now I know you'd never make it as a human." I snickered softly, watching as the boxes were fully packed and everything in my room was gone- off to the North Pole through whatever dimension it has to travel through.
"And I know you could never be an elf." Bernard shot back with a challenging grin. I could so be an elf- who was he to tell me I couldn't.
"I could totally be an elf if I wanted to- I just don't want to because it sounds boooringg. Making presents all day? Yuck." I laughed, nudging the curly headed boy. He shook his head and wrapped an arm around me. I felt fireworks erupt in my stomach.
"Yeah, okay, angel. Let's get back to the Pole."

In and instant, we were back in my new room, the boxes were spread out along the room, ready to be unpacked. I turned to look at Bernard and he just shook his head.
"This is gonna suck." He muttered, leaning down and picking up a box. He heaved it up with some struggle before placing it on the bed and opening it up.
"Jesus you have a lot of clothes.." muttered the elf, taking some of the stuff out and laying it on the bed. I looked around the boxes and found one that was helpfully labeled "hangers" and opened it up to take out said hangers.
"Yep. The price to pay for being fabulous." I joked, taking some clothes and starting to put them on the plastic hangers, then I hung them in the closet. Bernard kept taking clothes out of boxes and sorting them into piles of what needed to be put in the closet and dresser, then which items go in which drawer. I mostly just hung stuff up. Soon, I heard Bernard laugh quietly behind me. What was that man doing?
"Never really took you for a pink hearts kinda gal." He said in a teasing tone. I turned around to see him holding a pair of my underwear.
"I told you to stay out of my dresser stuff!" Bernard laughed and placed all my undergarments in the top drawer of my dresser without teasing about anything else.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Angel-" but he didn't sound very sorry at all.

After a few hours, we were finally done getting my room all in order. It was clean, it was fresh- it was me.
"Whew- finally." I wiped my face and looked to Bernard with a wide smile. It was present time. I took his hand and led him out of the room so I could find dad.
"Daaaaad! Present time! Like you saaaaid!" I called, wandering around the workshop until I found his little office. He was sat at the desk with his silly little glasses on, reading over some paper.
"Yeah, yeah I remember." He looked up from his paper and looked to me and Bernard. We quickly let go of each other's hands. I strolled over and sat in one of dad's guest chairs, getting all comfy. Bernard disappeared though, and I was wondering where he went. I frowned slightly, then shrugged. It wasn't any of my business. Dad and I organized the presents into piles. Ones for me, ones for him, ones for Charlie, and ones for Bernard. Now I understand where Bernard went. A minute passed and the head elf was back, now with Charlie.
"Hey dad!" My brother greeted, hugging our father.
"Hiya sport." Dad picked Charlie up and sat him in his lap. Present time.


We had all opened our presents now, there weren't very many, which was ironic considering the setting. I got dad some coffee grounds and a mug in the shape of an ornament, I got Charlie some stuffed animals, a lucky yo-yo, and a toy fire truck. I got Bernard a ring with his signature on it (forged from his last notes) and a bracelet that I had made a few weeks before Christmas- just in case I'd see him again. Which I did. Dad got me new piggy slippers, and I loved them since mine were wearing down, and Charlie gave me a hat that looked very similar to Bernard's. It was funny- we matched now. Bernard didn't give me his present yet, he told me he'd give it to me in private.
"Well, I'm gonna go back to my room now." I said, standing and gathering my gifts. Bernard stood as well and followed me out of the room. The walk back to my chambers was a short one, filled with banter between me and the elf. Once we were inside my room, Bernard pulled out a small wrapped box from his satchel and handed it to me. Carefully, i tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a necklace with a charm on it. The charm was a beautiful rosy red color and it was shaped like a star. On the front there was an engraving. 'Angel'
"Open it up.. it's a locket." Bernard said softly, putting his hands behind his back as he watched me observe the necklace in awe. I did as said, opening the locket. Inside wasn't a picture, instead it was more like a video compressed inside the locket. It showed snow falling from the beautiful night sky and santa's reindeer flying into the the distance.
"Whenever you need me, open the locket and I'll get the signal." He pulled out a similar looking locket out from under his shirt. This one was also shaped like a star, but it was yellow.
"Oh Bernard.. it's beautiful." I hugged the elf tightly, gripping my necklace in my hand. It was such a thoughtful gift, I could always have my own little signal to Bernard right around my neck. I let go soon, so I could put my necklace on. As I did this, Bernard put his ring and bracelet on. I thought it was funny how we both got each other jewelry. Today had been absolutely delightful.
"Merry Christmas, angel."
"Merry Christmas, Bernard.."


1855 words

Wooo another chapter. If anyone has any ideas let me know, I may use them, but I hope you guys are enjoying so far.

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