chapter .05

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"this is so stupid." i groaned while i walked around with mirabel and dolores. "i don't understand what your abuela has against me. i know damn well camilo isnt a golden child so why am i to blame?" "okayyyyy" mirabel took the box out of my hand before i crushed it and everything inside it. "she was shocked that you had an ability without being a madrigal, now she believes your power is evil and cannot be used for good in any way." dolores explains.

"that is such bullshit. even if my power is 'eViL' that doesnt mean im a shit person! ok,, maybe a little but my point still stands." i put air quotes and mocked a high pitched voice when saying evil. we dropped off the crates we were carrying and were off to our next destination. as we were walking, mirabel nudged my shoulder and pointed to my side where camilo was being,, hugged? by a girl who looked 14-16 and had long curly hair. after gazing at her and her bright pink dress more, i realized she was the sofia alma was talking about last night.

     "hola camilo!" i waved as we walked past. his eyes widened and he stumbled over to me, sort of dragging sofia along the way. "y/n! have dolores and mirabel been as annoying as ever?" he asked smirking. i looked back at sofia who was behind him, throwing a little toddler fit with her eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. "dolores and mirabel have been wonderful, even better than you i might add." i teased flicking him in the forehead.

     "im sorry, but who exactly are you." sofia asked with a mean tone gripping onto camilos arm. camilo rolled his eyes when she touched him. "im-" she cut me off introducing herself. "im sofia vallentina martinez the third of the martinez family, camilos childhood best friend." she spoke with even more pride than camilo did on the first day i met him. "and  i do not care. im y/n, camilos current best friend." sofia grunted when i ignored her whole 'spectacular' introduction.

     "well it was soooo great meeting you m/n (mispronounced name), but camilo and i are busy right now so why dont you go run back to your pig sty." i laughed at her attempt at insulting me. she seemed very offended and tightened her grip on camilo who was trying to shake her off. "camilo doesn't associate with wild animals." she glared "crazy because his little brother loves animals and theres chameleons all over his clothes." i snarled. she grunted once more and whistled. a few moments after she whistled, a carriage pulled up sweeping the two away. "goodbye cow farmer!" she waved out the window of her fancy little carriage.

    "goodbye premadona bitch!!" i yelled waving her away. dolores and mirabel came out of their little hiding spot bursting out in laughter, eventually i joined. "iM sOfIa VaLlEnTiNa MaRtInEz ThE tHiRd Of ThE mArTiNeZ fAmIly" i mocked "girl like anyone gives a shit,, sofia the first looking mf. thats why her insults suck,, shes so sheltered." we laughed eventually landing on the ground.

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