Part 1

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-favorite color?


-a secret they've never told anymore?

-favorite food?

-most common lie they've told?

-one or multiple quirks they people notice the most?

-how quickly will they calls someone "their friend? How easily will they change it to "enemy," "stranger," etc.?

-do they hid their emotions, if so how often? Is there anyone who knows their true emotions just by looking at them?

-can they cry on demand and if so what's the thing they think of so they can cry?

-favorite anything they've never recommended to anyone?

-if you had to yell for them in a crowd, what would you yell? What would a friend or romantic partner yell?

-how often do they use the words "i love you"? Do they actually mean it? What makes it so easy or hard for them to say "i love you"?

-do they give gentle or tough love? Which one are they exposed to more? Which do they prefer to receive?

-what is one fact or thing they'll tell anyone without asking?

-if someone was impersonating them, how would their loved ones find out the difference?

-what makes them laugh everytime (get specific)?

-what hobbies have they tried to have over their lifetime, is there a pattern?

-what's a simple activity they often mess up often?

-if they were scared, who would they call for comfort? Does this change depending on the fear or situation?

-are they more book smart or more street smart? (not every character can be both)

-what'd their trauma response, if they haven't had traumatizing things happen to them, what would their trauma response be?

-what are 5 of their negative traits?

-what's the reason they do what they do? Why do they believe the actions their doing are causing good?

-what's one fear they won't admit they have to anyone?

-what are a few things they're insecure about?

-what do they carry on them at all times? Why do they carry those things everywhere?

-what's their sense of humor?

-if they had access to the music we do, what would their favorite song be and why?

-what's a weakness an enemy could take advantage of? How do they attempt to hide it?

-if you were having a conversation with them, what is one thing that they could talk to you about for hour without end?

-if they experience romantic attraction, do they often daydream about a romance or are more close-minded towards romance and why?

-what's a hope or dream they think is foolish but aren't ready to let go of and why?

-if you're character is verbal, what is a flaw in their speech? (ex.  Do they or did they have speech issues? Is it noticeable?)

-what's something they do because of their careers or hobbies that let people with the same career/hobbies recognize them? (ex. Comfort habits)

-do they believe in things such as Astrology and what do they find interesting about it?

-what's their biggest flaw?

-why do they get out of bed in the morning?

-what's a habit they don't notice about themselves that others do?

There's more coming soon!

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