06 - the damage you inflicted on me

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aunaesli was no where to be found when i returned to my apartment but she did leave it clean, which she didn't have.

i tried calling her cell when i walked into my bedroom but i went straight to voicemail as i sat down on the black duvet, running my fingers through my hair out of frustration.

then i called a second time, then a third, and a fourth and all went to voicemail.

maybe she doesn't want to talk to you. maybe she's going through something.

i scanned my room to see if she left any of her stuff in here but i was left with a note that lad folded on my nightstand with "jimin" written in cursive, grabbing it as it had my attention i was met with a long yet short paragraph that made my eyes tear up:

i'm sorry but after you asked me if i loved you, i couldn't help but feel disgust in myself. i felt as that i wasn't worth any of your time nor any of the sex you shared and put into my body, it was merely lust and i wish i could tell you what's wrong but i think it's best if i don't tell you in order to save myself from reoccurring events in my life but i'm just not cut out for commitment, jimin.
i'm sorry.

a wet line stained my right cheek but the feeling inside of me was different.

maybe she is hiding something. maybe she doesn't want me. so it was lust? or is she lying?

one thought after another continuous drained me, causing my mind to go blank but still hear the thoughts that doubted me and even her, my body walked over to the cabinet across from my bed pulling out the bottle of jack disregarding the glass that stood in my face as a mere object.

i don't think i can do this. anymore.


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