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Wet, dark and cold, Thats all Galen could describe the city, their hair as soaked as a freshly washed shirt. Waiting for their close friend Lost. Unbeknownst by them Lost is running to save his life, the viewers, they're getting closer Lost slides along the mud and under the wire fence to escape them and get back to base, Galen smelt the fear of their friend and went to investigate, they see their friend being held by a viewer, they run to help him until they were shoved back by a mushroom that instantly grew, and a small figure pops out and throws another figure at the viewer, the figure that was thrown hit the viewer on the head with his bat, killing it. "Y-you gotta be more careful out h-her-" says the small mushroom girl, "YOU COULVE GOTEN YOURSELF KILLED!" The violent boy said, "I-I'm sorry I was just trying to get food for Galen and I-" "oh where are my manners I'm icy" said the violent boy now known as icy. "OH and I'm Mycophile!" Said the mushroom girl, "I'm guessing you're Galen? Said Icy and Mycophile, Galen nods their head. "Why don't you talk?" Said the small girl, "I don't think they can to be honest, the 11 months I've known them, they haven't spoke a word" says Lost. When the sun sets is when the city gets more dangerous viewers unable to look at their TVs, the thin man walking the streets looking for children and bullies returning home. Trying to set up their beds Galen is having trouble looking for something comfortable for all of the children to sleep on, "Hey Galen? Looking for something to sleep on?" Asks Mycophile, they nod, Mycophile then creates mushrooms out of thin air, Galen smiles at the small girl and she smiles back, returning to camp Lost and icy are preparing food for the group, Mycophile goes and hugs icy and Galen goes and fist bumps Lost, they all finally felt at ease and at piece for the first time in years, until they heard a scream, a young girls scream.

Word count: 359

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