Chapter 70. Sixth Year Christmas ☾

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A/N: Hey loves its chirstmas week :))


"No, Sirius. I've told you a thousand times, mistletoe does not go in the middle of the room," Hermione said, huffing. "Nor in the middle of the kitchen, nor in the middle of the library."

Sirius' mouth dropped, and the hand holding the offending sprig slackened. "But 'Mione, you don't know the opportunities it could create."

Luna smirked. "If you want to snog Professor Snape that badly…"

"No. Even if, Moony's the more likely candidate."

"Sirius," Severus said, rubbing his eyes, "you are about to bring a daughter into the world. Now is not the time to create more chaos."

"A daughter?" Harry asked, eyes widening as he dropped the garland he and Draco were hanging. "I'm gonna have a goddaughter?"

Sirius smiled. "Yep, found out last Tuesday. Little Siria."

"And you waited this long to tell us?"

"Yeah," Draco snickered, "would've thought that would make it into the newest episode."

"For the last time, Mr. Black, your DADA class is not a muggle soap opera," Severus said.

Sirius' mouth drooped. "Spots, we've been over this many times. I know my class isn't a muggle soap opera."

"Yeah." Harry's eyes sparkled. "It's a magical one."

Severus rubbed his eyes, turning to Draco. "Why did you have to be related to the two most insolent men on the planet?"

"Harry's not that closely related," Draco said, placing a wreath on the front door.

"No, but you chose him to be your best friend."

"Enough talking," Hermione said, pushing a string of fairy lights into Severus' hand. "If you're here, you're working. We have under a week until Christmas." She pulled out a PDA, using the stylus to click through a few screens.

Draco paused, quirking a brow. "What's the use in decorating only a week before Christmas?"

Hermione continued on her device. "Draco, I love you, but you're an idiot."

Severus turned to Sirius. "Where's Remus in all this?"

"He's hiding in my office under the pretense of grading papers," Sirius said with a shrug.

"Couldn't he hide in his own room?"

"You don't think that's the first place Hermione looked?"

"This is insane," Severus said, rubbing his eyes. "Miss Granger, who asked you to head up the décor committee of the Black/Lupin residence?"

Hermione furrowed her brow. "No one?"

"So what gives you the right to do so?"

"Did you expect two bachelors to have the slightest idea how to hang tinsel?"

"What's tinsel?" Sirius asked, trying to untangle himself from the length of garland he'd spun himself into.

Severus growled. "Accio." The garland flew toward the dark man, forcing Sirius to spin, the greenery unravelling itself forcefully. Finally, when they reached the end, the dog animagus tripped, falling flat on his face.

"Thanks Spots," Sirius mumbled into the floor.

The portrait swung open, nearly throwing Draco across the room in the process.

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