Sleep is for The weak(and Spence)

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The Team was on a flight back to Quantico.It has been a rough case,two girls were hold captive by a sadistic elder man with a fetish for cutting of fingers.They had lost one of the hostages.

All of them were tired,most likely Dr.Spencer Reid,who was struggling to keep his eyes open and felt dizzy from the sleep deprivation.

He was sitting next to Derek Morgan,who was listening to a bunch of tracks with his silver headphones.

Spencer gripped the Leather armrests,the fabric feeling cold on his hands.He just wanted to be home,in bed.Derek next to him shifted in his seat, trying to get the young agent's Attention.

''What's wrong kid?"Derek said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Spencer was way to overtired to be up for a Joke so he just glared at him, hoping he would stop bothering him with such silly questions.Spencer had worked the last night through, scanning file after file,the only thing keeping him alive over sugared Coffe.Derek smiled at him and nudged him with his elbow slightly, expecting an answer.

Spencer's grip tightened as he yawned, tilting his head to the side.

"Sleepy, pretty boy?",Derek asked turning to him.

Spencer just nodded while uttering another long yawn.Derek smiled at him and pointed at his chest.
He was wearing a soft cotton sweater in a soft gray.

"Up for a Cuddle Spencer?",Derek asked laughing at his own offer.

He didn't actually except Spencer to consent to it so he was rather surprised when Spencer Sank into his arms burying his face in Derek's Chest.

"hey they're kid,not so fast i didn't expect that",Derek said hugging him slightly.

"But you told me - to", Spencer was interrupted by another yawn.

Derek snickered while Spence inhaled his scent.Derek smelled like new fabric and cologne,a pleasing scent,that made Spencer's stomach tingle in happiness.

He felt so safe in Derek's arms, everything felt like it didn't matter anymore,not his Problems,not his bad thoughts,not the coldness he had felt after he saw the young girl laying on the floor, gasping for air.He didn't feel like a completely failure when he's with him,the feeling he still had after all this year's, being scared to disappoint others.

He didn't feel like he needed to rethink his way of speaking so others would understand,he didn't feel like he had to hide his interests when he was with him.He was warm..and so tired, before he had noticed it he had fallen asleep clenching to Derek's shirt, wishing for something he didn't know how to express.

How could you find the right words when you couldn't even understand your own feelings?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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