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It all came to me like a punch in the gut.  My heart was pounding so hard, it was all i heard, i couldn't see yet i didn't try to take off the blindfold and i couldn't struggle.

"Agh*gasps* ah it hurts....my neck...ugh it burns! Aagggghhhh!" Before i knew it i was choking, spitting and i couldn't get up. I felt so weak, my body felt weird as if i had been stomped on.

I took deep breaths although my throat felt heavy and aching, i waited for my heartbeats to calm down as well. The smell of medicine surrounded me, i was in a hospital room of some sort.

"Hey.....is anybody there?" There was no response.

'Was i perhaps saved by that pack?' Where am i? Why can't i see?! My eyes! I can't see!'

I heard faint whispers but i couldn't feel any presence, anxiety increasing as footsteps grew near. I went still as i felt a presence to my right, a male

"He is awake, call for his family."


A familiar scent, familiar voices. Melancholy washed over me.

"Who? Who's there??!" When no one replied, a sigh left my lips.

"Please speak? I know you are there." I continued, "on my left."

As i struggled to sit up, a light touch fluttered on my shoulder,
" Son, do you feel better?" I instinctly flinched and backed away, or so i tried i could only feel pain as my body crashed back down onto the bed.

"What?! Who is this?!" Although i knew the answer, i couldn't bring myself to believe it. It's impossible unless......

Im in heaven.

"Ah yes, i remember now, i passed away, Valentine killed me right......." i sighed.

Tears ran down my face, did my parents die too? Although i wasn't too attached, she was still my mother. My trembling hands slowly pulled down the blindfolds covering my eyes, i needed to see.

At least see her face after so long, the woman who birthed me. At first the lights were blinding but as my eyes adjusted to the room, i scanned my surroundings.

I was in a room, filled with medical equipments, most likely the infirmary, i pulled gently at the iv machine connected to me but didn't aim to take it out.

"Mom?" The woman who stood in front of me had tears flooding her eyes, threatening to flow down her aged face, i remember the last time i saw her, she looked strong and young but now she looked tired.

"Yes....are you feeling better now? You fell down a tree 3 days ago and you were unconscious since then, the doc said you had a minor concussion but he didn't know why u wouldn't wake up. And I....I......was so scared!" As the words left her mouth, i couldn't help but chuckle with disbelief, this must all be a dream.



I concentrated and tried to snap out of whatever illusion or dream i was in, i pinched my thigh, i pinched harder but it was still the same.

"What is this......i must have gone mad." I whispered looking down at my palms, there were scars i couldn't remember.

Meanwhile, my mother stood there looking worried, she must have found me weird, different but i was not the son she knew. And she was definitely not the mother i remembered.

"I.....hmmmm.....why am i here?" I asked scratching my head.

"As i said honey yo..."

"Don't call me that!" I snapped at her instinctively and she gasped shocked. I was not her treasured child, she was not a loving mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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