I'm sorry, I didn't know [ (BBC) SHERLOCK ]

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Admin: This made me cry while writing... and I don't cry for SHIT.


I don't own Sherlock nor the song.


Living with the Holmes family was strange. You weren't exactly born into it rather you were adopted. That fact never left and it always made you wonder what happened to your parents. Not that you put that much concern to it.

You were merely the age of 6 and yet you act like you are a Holmes because of your vast curiosity.

You were also a beacon of sunshine.

Anyways your big brother Mycroft was starting to ignore you. Since he wasn't one for company you didn't mind as much however as soon as did this, he stopped playing deductions with you.

You loved Mycroft dearly and believed he did you, you just wanted to have your big brother again.

Sherlock your other brother still cared for you of course but it just wasn't the same without Mycroft.

You walk over to Mycroft's room and knocked on the door in the rhythm of 'Shave and a Haircut'.

"MyMy?" You ask. When you heard no answer you begin to sing.

"Do you want to play deductions!?
I wanna hear what you would say,
I never see you anymore, come out the door,
Like how we used to play! ~

I thought we could be buddies,
Just you and me,
I want you to show me how!
Do you want to play deductions?
It doesn't have to be deductions."

"Go away (Y/N)!" Mycroft yelled furiously.

"Okay bye." Your face dropped.

You turn away but you still had hope.

'Maybe later.' You thought.

ฯฯฯฯฯฯฯฯฯฯ Time Skip €€€€€€€€€€€€

You were now 12 years old. Your body grew and so did your mind but the insatiable hunger for Mycroft's attention didn't.

When you were 8 Sherlock had also left like Mycroft. Going into his room for long periods of time never acknowledging your presence until you said something or when he asked where Redbeard was.

It hurt so much.

Looking at Mycroft's door you decide it was time to try again. Knocking like before you asked for brother dear and sing,

"Do you want to play deductions!?
Or Operation in the halls?
I think some company is overdue,
I've started talking to a little plastic skull!"

"Isn't that right, Billy?" You coo.

"It gets a little lonely,
Not having you,
Make fun of passers-by..."

You look at the window seeing people walk the streets. "Boring. Boring. Bored. Bored. Booooored!"

When you hear silence for the second time you walked into your room and cry to sleep.

'He'll never notice me.' You think sadly.

'I'm just a ghost.'

Sherlock passed by your room and heard crying. He shrugged it, thinking it was just teen angst.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

In your high school years, you were molested by a teacher. You never told anyone thinking they wouldn't care but as fate would have it, the teacher was arrested and you were caught in a tidal wave of multiple police interviews and court hearings.

It took a toll on your mental health which led to drugs and alcohol as a getaway.

So, as a young 18 year old girl, you sat in your dirty flat floor, with a syringe in your arm bottles on the floor and your mind lost in a cheap high and drunken stupor.

You knew Mycroft, who became a government official soon after rising into the ranks of politics, was watching through small cameras he wired in case anything happened.

Looking at a corner you could see one of your brother's cameras. Knowing he was you softly start your old melody.

I know you're watching.
You've seen the places that I've been.
You say: 'Be better,' but I'm done with you,
There's no incentive to.
Just leave me be. ~

We barely see each other,
Don't bother me.
What are you gonna do? ~"

You stare off into your window, remembering the game you always wanted to play with dear MyMy...

"Do you want...to play...deductions?" You broke down sobbing and screaming at the heavens.

×××××××××××× Time Skip ××××××××××××

You committed suicide.

You couldn't handle everything so you took your life.

Everyone attended the funeral. From family friends to the people who raised you. All the attendees were in grief.

But no one felt the grief of the British Government, whom right now was standing over your grave.

He stared at your tombstone, slowly reading the golden engraving:

Here lies (Y/N) Holmes. (Birthday) to December 25, 2015

The older Holmes could only feel the grief become worse as he read the quote they chosen to put on the stone:

'A child at heart,
Her mind corrupted,
All she wanted
Was to play deductions.'

He put a hand to his mouth and wiped his tears. It was his fault. This wasn't what he had intended.

All you wanted was him to notice you, and now he never will.

"It wasn't your fault Mycroft." Sherlock felt the same but his was greater compared to the consulting detective.

Taking out his special pocket watch Mycroft opened it and smiled sadly at the bare right side of his watch in which resided a picture.

A picture of you, when you were just a child.

He kept it in there to remind him of his precious sister whom he cut off. Pressing his finger to the photograph he recalled the little tune you'd sing to him.

"I would love to play deductions...
I'm sorry, I didn't know.
I should've been there for you
Opened up to hear
Just let you in...

I was your older brother
The smartest one
Why didn't I see this through...?
I should've played deductions..."

He turned umbrella in hand and walked walked away.

With intense regret he gripped his watch staring up into the sky. If he believed a mystical being would grant him one wish it'd be to bring you back.

Maybe just maybe he'd play deductions.

Do You Wanna Play Deductions? [ Mycroft x Sister!Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now