☆This is it☆

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Well, here we go again. A new school, full of new people, who will probably hate me. This is the third time my parents had us move. Nobody likes elementary school so we are not even gonna bother with that.

I am in 9th grade and my crush is really annoying, you would think I wouldnt have even thought about liking him. Well, let's just say my mind told me: Let's be stupid and like him anyway. Stupid mind. 9th grade went pretty well until the bullying started but my crush got me out of it. I didnt know why but that was when I started to like him. Well turns out he just ended up being a complete arse.

Ash was, you could say, a troublemaker, and I am the quiet kid. My best friends knew about my crush, even promised not to say anything. Well, Maze must have gotten annoyed with me talking about him bc she SNAPCHATED HIM AND TOLD HIM. I thought she was just kidding.

I went to my next class and sat with my other bestie, Clove. She never said a word about my crush on him but it was weird because as soon as we sat down. You'll never guess who walked in, that's right, Ash. I regret saying anything. He then started to taunt me, asking if it was true and would I seriously date him.

Then I panicked and lied. I denied everything. Which, unfortunately, worked like a charm because he told me he doesnt like me like that and never will. It stung but I'm ok. I have had several boyfriends after that and everything, I couldnt help but think or wish it were Ash. I even told myself that I would never love again and that boys are dumb.

Well, that leads us to where I'm at now, still dumb, still quiet, only a Junior in High school. Ash has tried to talk to me daily saying "Hi" and "Hey" then started with the "Yo" along with the "Have a good day" "Enjoy your night" and "Have a good weekend". I asked why he tries to talk to me and Ash just said "Because I want a reply" then the taunting started again. You would never hear the word subtle to describe Ash. No, he was WAY out there.

Ash would start waving at me, smiling at me, even trying to catch me if I tripped. I would get so mad because I knew he was just doing it to be annoying. That's when, the worst day ever came. I went to school after finding out my pappy had passed away. To make it worse, Ash continued to be annoying, when it was time for everyone to go home, I was about to reach my locker when someone ran into me.

I didnt mind, I knew I was invisible to everyone so I didnt care. Then Ash decided to make a joke out of it. Instead of minding his own business, he decided to say the worst thing in his life, "Hey, that's my girlfriend" I could have decked him. You NEVER say that if you dont mean it. Then after that, We started to talk but everytime we talk it always turned into an arguement. That was until recently, I had some family issues going on and decided I would atleast see if he was ok. He didnt have to tell me I was being annoying. He didnt have to say that I had a perfect family. So that's when I decided to set him straight.

Ash thought he knew me, but obviously he didnt know as much as he thought. When I started shouting at him, he knew he screwed up. I said stuff along the lines of "you arrogant git" and "you are a complete dick" Ash then had the stupidity to ask me if I was ok. I swear, if you could reach through a phone and punch someone, I would have. I told him I wasnt and to not act like he cared when he didnt. You would think he would be nice and just leave me alone.

A week or two after that, Ash was always staring at me. I didnt know he was until my sister, Bridget said something. I told her she was wrong and maybe it was a trick of light. Boy, was I wrong. To this day I still catch him with small glances. I even end up with messages through my sister. I am so glad I am over that boy. Ash was probably the worst idea of a crush to have than anyone. The one day, we were on our way back from our votech, Bridget said that he was staring at me when I was leaving. I told her she was wrong, she then tried to say maybe he started to actually like me back. I told her that was highly impossible. Bridget was never known to hold back her thoughts. Then she said the words that I have heard over and over again, multiple times.

"Maybe you still like him"

I may have quit liking him but my sister has told me I'm not fully over that boy. I never knew until now, how true her words were.

How I fell in love with my enemyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat