New York🗽🏢

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Sometimes I dream ab sneaking out (preferably with my best friend), taking a train to New York, and skateboarding in the not-so empty streets.

We would go to a small convenience store and purchase as many snacks as we could. We would then look for a tall building and climb it's stairwell. All the way to the top. Our legs getting wobbly from exhaustion, bit it's all worth it for the view. We finally reach the top and I push open the heavy steel door to be greeted with a crisp gust of wind.

It feels so nice. Summer nights were always great, especially in New York😌. Whoever lives in the buidling must come up here often. There were two beach chairs side by side with a blanket that lie before them. There was also a small coffee table in between the chairs.

We sat down, and exhaled greatly. The view was perfect from the chair (that wasn't too close to the edge). After catching our breaths, we rattled through the plastic bags to search for what we wanted to eat first. Finally, I was at peace. It's a shame it's not real.

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