When the Party's Over: The Bane of my Existence

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Context: I was drunk and unaware of my surroundings. I knew I wasn't going to get a ride from my "friend" who almost always conveniently has a full car.

"Sorry, but you were too slow...as always," says Rihat. "You should have had a backup ride."

I hated when they said that. I was getting faster. When I'm rushed, I intentionally move slower. I guess that's a fault on my end. Maybe I deserve to be left in front of someone's house after a raving party - drunk.

I thought these things only happened in movies - being left on the side of the road with no way to get home. I asked around, making sure to only ask familiar faces from school and no one seemed to have room in their car. I could have settled for a spot in the trunk.

After there were only a few people left in front of the house, I decided it was best to just start walking on my way home. I didn't know those people and I wasn't asking for a ride.

You're probably asking: "doesn't this girl have any parents?"

My parents were out on a business trip and I wasn't even supposed to be out. My best chances were just walking home. The trip to the party by car was around 20 minutes, so I knew walking back would take at least 40 to 50.

About 8 minutes into the walk, I started to feel sick. Maybe those two drinks before I left wasn't a good idea. My vision started to go in and out the longer I walked. Luckily, I still had 48% battery life.

"Hey, did you get a ride?"

The text read. It was from on of my "friends," Tay, that got a ride from Rihat. Why was she acting like she cared?

"Nah, I'm walking home lol😛," I texted.

"Yo, that's a long way"

That was weird. Now she uses punctuation? I don't know if this was the side effects of the Henny making me see shit or what.

"I should be fine. Ttyl."

I got another text from Tay, but I didn't bother to look.

I saw a nearby cemetery. It reminded me of all the folklore my older sister used to tell me before she died. She always said: "Hold your breath when passing cemeteries. The earthbound spirits can enter your body through your nose and mouth." That one sentence always had my chest burning by the time we drove pass.

I didn't believe in possessive ghosts anymore, so I drunkenly decided it was best to sit inside the black, steel gates of the cemetery. I've never seen gates so wide and tall.


What the fuck was that?? No time to think. I jumped up and ran as fast as my legs could take me. Through the overgrown weeds and weeping willows. Who knew I could run so fast while drunk?

Well, that didn't last long. I felt my foot latch onto something and then...darkness.


I awoke to sound of crackling, rumbling thunder following the flickering streak of purple. Great, now I'll be drunk, wet, and in pain.


Suddenly, it shot through my ankle. With all my might I tried not to scream too loudly. Who knows what could be lurking in this place? I looked like an infant trying to walk for the first time. I was sure my ankle was just sprained, but the pain said otherwise.

I finally stood up and tried to walk. It was painful as hell, so instead, I kinda crawled towards what I thought was the exit of the cemetery. My buzz from the alcohol almost disappeared from all adrenaline, but my head was pounding.

"Is she her or not?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Yes. That's what my phone is saying."

"Well, I'm glad she kept her location on, but why in the hell would she be in Frep Cemetery?"

"I don't know but let's just find- hey! She's over here!"

And with that, I see Tay, Rihat, and another friend, Byron, walking towards my way. Why are they staring at me?

I soon found out they weren't looking at me, but at my body on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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