Chapter Fourteen

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~~Normal perspective~~

You opened your eyes, still feeling Ruv's arm around you. You looked up at him to see his eyes were closed. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you still weren't used to seeing him without his hat and eye cover.

'He really is attractive.' You thought. You tried to shake the thought away, but to no avail.


'I think I like this man..'

Despite his demeanor, he was sweet and seemed to genuinely care. AND he was attractive. It was like the perfect mix.

He was just perfect in every way.

'God dammit.'

You shook your head. 'He'd never feel the same anyway.' You thought as you rested your head on his shoulder.


'Why does he let me do this..? I've only ever seen him hug Sarv once.'

'I'll have to ask her about it later.'

You felt your stomach growl. You didn't even realize it had been days since you've last eaten. You still didn't really want to eat, but the hunger was starting to hurt.

You gently tapped Ruv's shoulder, causing him to wake up. "Hmm..?" He asked in a somewhat raspy 'just woke up' voice. You hesitated before speaking again. "Can..can we get something to eat..?" You asked quietly, looking away.

The man was shocked you were actually willing to eat. "Yeah. You and I both need to eat something. Especially you." He stated as he stood up and stretched.

'Wait a damn minute'

"What do you mean 'you and I both'? Have you been eating?" You asked, growing concerned.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Eh not really. I guess I've just been too c-" He stopped.

"Too what?" You asked. "Um...busy.." He said, looking away. "Let's just go." He stated. You nodded, but didn't think that was what it was.

You got up and stretched before following him out of your room and into the kitchen, where Sarv was cooking some lunch. When she saw you though, her eyes lit up and she dropped everything she was doing and ran to hug you.

You were startled by the sudden contact but gently hugged back.

"(y/n)! Thank the Lord you're ok! It's been so long! I've missed you so much!" She said happily. "It's only been a few days Sarv. But, I missed you too." You said with a small chuckle.

Sarv then went over to hug Ruv, who just kinda stood there and accepted it. She suddenly remembered she was cooking. "Oh! The food!" She spoke as she let go of Ruv and went back to cooking.

'Huh. He didn't hug her back.' You thought, only further proving the point you were making with yourself.

"Aaaand it's ready!" Sarv spoke in her usual happy tone, snapping you out of your thoughts. You fixed your plate and sat at the table, followed by Ruv, then Sarv.

You began to eat your food, but after the first bite, your mind went to something.

He shoved his member in your mouth and down your throat and began thrusting again. You gagged as tears ran down your face, but there was nothing you could do about it.

He roughly thrusted and soon came deep in your mouth, forcing his seed to go down your throat. He then pulled out, panting and standing up as you coughed from how much you were choking.

Take My Coat (Ruvyzvat (Ruv) x Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now