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Freddy rolls over on his side and looks at you, you look away flustered "why'd you look away?" You try to stop breathing heavily. You feel Freddy's large frame rise up above you, he picks you up and puts you on the couch. You look down after what happened.

He lifts your chin up to look at him "why are you so shy after all that, superstar?" You are at a loss for words "...well I didn't expect you to keep me here...after all that" you say in a hushed voice, he gets a smirk "why would I do that? I'm not a bad guy...well...I am but...you get it." You cover your mouth and giggle "no, I do." He laughs and lays down on the couch with his head in your lap "I never asked, what's your name?" He says with curiosity "oh it's y/n" "what a nice name, I'm sure you already know my name" "yeah, I do"

He smiles and falls asleep in your lap, you sit awkwardly as he sleeps in your lap, looking around the room you notice it's not like his normal room that you see in the pizza plex it's different, it's bare. Is this his own 'personal' room, I wouldn't wanna shine a black light on this place.

You slump over and fall asleep, you wake up from your sleep when you hear a door swing open "FREDDY SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GONE HOURS AGO." Freddy tries to calm her down "I'm sorry, Vanessa I fell asleep and she didn't want to disturb me, it's my fault." She scoffs and goes to leave the room. "Hey her out of here, the pizza plex opens in 10 minutes, you overslept."

Freddy sits down and sighs "how am I gonna get you out of here" he says racking his brain for a solution. He opens his chest cavity for oversized cakes, "you wouldn't fit in this would you?" You look at him alarmed "what?!? Of course not!" "Yeah I didn't think you could." You look on the ground for your skirt, shit you forgot he ripped it off last night.

"Well we have to get you out without kids seeing you, they usually try to get here early so I know there's many children waiting." You sigh, Freddy looks at you as if he has an idea. "I think I have an idea" he says to you with light in his eyes "could you crawl through the vents?" You look at him wide eyed "what?! Why would I do that, there has to be another way!"

He gets on the ground in front of you and grabs your hands "please, this is the only way I know of. Vanessa wouldn't tell me if I asked either." He says in a pleading tone. "Fine I'll try, at least tell me where to go" he nods his head and smiles, "alright I will." He give you the directions and sends you on your way, "be careful, I wouldn't want you getting hurt. If you do by any chance get hurt there is a first aid station." He lifts you up to the vent and lets you crawl in.

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