What about trust? what about us?

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Relationship between all members.

Warnings: assumptions and accusations of cheating, slight angst.

Synopsis: A misunderstanding leads Hyunjin's relationships with his partners at risk, will they work everything out, or will they end everything?

« Have fun reading! »

"We need to talk" Chan said.

He never had used such serious tone with Hyunjin before. It was...scary to be honest. He didn't know what he did, but he probably had done something. Something bad.

Hyunjin felt confused and nervous. The day hadn't been good, his partners were ignoring him all day and being cold. And now this.

“ They are going to break up with me. And I don't even know why. ” he thought, it was the only thing he could think of. He'd always been insecure with himself, it is nothing new. But, he decided to let those thoughts aside.

Getting up from his bed and letting his phone aside, he left his bedroom, while heading his ways to the living room, his eyes locked with all the other members. His partners, his lovers.

The tension in the room suddenly became heavy. He could see in all of their faces, all of them showing mixed emotions. Some looking disappointed, some looked mad and others looked terribly sad.

He sat in the other couch alone, staring at the others, confused and feeling anxious. Chan was on his feet, in front of all of them.

Sighing, he looked at all the members before locking his eyes with Hyunjin.

He could see, he could feel it. Disappointment. That's what he could see in his eyes.

— What did you guys called me for? Did I do something wrong? — Hyunjin tested, voice a little shaky but still firm.

— You dare to ask us that?! Stop acting like you're stupid! —  Jisung looked at him, his voice harsh and hoarse while trying to contain his tears to himself. Seungmin was holding his hand, trying to give him some type of comfort.

— Hyunjin, I need you to tell me the truth... You.. D-Did you cheat on us? — Chan asked, all eyes in the room were on him. And he felt shocked, going completely silent.

What...? — His voice almost didn't come out at that moment, he didn't know what to say, he didn't even know what to think.

“ How could they think something like that...?!” He thought, how did they even came up with that! Hyunjin would never cheat on his boyfriends, he couldn't even think about that. He loved them more than anything in the world, they meant everything to him.

—  Hyung, please... Just tell us the truth. Did you or you did not? — Felix was the one to speak up this time. Looking at him, eyes bloodshot from holding his tears.

— Of course not! How could you guys think something like that?! — Hyunjin spoke, eyes widened in disbelief, His voice high while abruptly getting up from his seat to look at his boyfriends one more time.

— Then, please explain this picture to me. — Chan got closer to him, showing his phone to his face. Hyunjin suddenly freezes.

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