Please take care of me.

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Relationship between all members.

Warnings: vomits, sickness, anxiety, angst.

Synopsis: Hyunjin is sick, he does not tell the others about it. What happens when they find out?

« Have fun reading! »


That's the first thing he felt as soon as he woke up, everything was hurting, his body felt like as if he was on fire.

Hyunjin whined, the light making his eyes hurt, his head felt so heavy and his muscles were sore. He couldn't bring himself to move or get out of the bed.

With shaky hands, and a deap breathe, he managed to get up. His legs were trembling so much that he was afraid that he would eventually fall on the floor.

He didn't slept well that night, he woke up at least 3 times just to vomit, leaving him with a burning throat. Everything started normal, it was just a silly stomach ache, so he didn't bother to care about it.

But of course, he should've. He was so wrong.

As he went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, since his face and body felt sweaty and hot all over, he looked in the mirror. And god, he looked horrible. His skin was so pale, to the point he could be a ghost if he wanted it, purple shadows under his eyes and cracked lips.

After washing his face, he decided to take a warm bath to see if it would help a little. He questioned himself if he should talk to one of the members, or as he should say, his boyfriends. But he quickly dismissed that idea, he didn't want to be a dead weight to the, since they had a lot to do today.

This would be a long day of filming , which means, they don't have time to take care of a silly sickness.  So, being against his own body, he tried to use some makeup to try and cover that deadly look he had.

They were already late, cursing under his breathe, he ran as fast as he could, with his shaky body to the van that would be taking them to the studio.

After going to his seat, the van started driving them, if one of them was annoyed with him, they didn't bother to show nor say anything. He noticed Felix with his eyes fixated on him. He asked,

— Hyung, are you okay? We tried to wake you up, but you were sleeping like a rock, and you usually have a light sleep. — he questioned, was he worried? Hyunjin didn't know.

— I'm okay, lix, no need to worry. I was feeling tired because I couldn't sleep last night, I was feeling anxious, so that's why. — After a while, which seemed to be a long time, Hyunjin answered, being careful with his words to try and not raise any suspicion.

— Okay...? You can tell me anything, you know that right? You're my hyung, but your also my boyfriend, I'm just worried about you. — Felix gave him a reassuring smile, which the other returned as well.

— Yeah...I know, don't worry. — The older gave a quick squeeze to the younger's hand, before resting his head on the window.

Chan, who was listening to their small conversation, made a mental note to keep an eye on Hyunjin today, the boy seemed strange and tired for some reason, but again, he said he couldn't sleep well, and it was very early in day still, so he tried not to worry too much.

When Hyunjin they made it to the studio, he noticed that he'd may have fallen asleep, which he wished he didn't, since it only made his pain worse. His ears were ringing and his head felt like it was being smashed in the ground a thousand times, he noticed that he was also felt a little dizzy.

— Guys, we're here! Let's go! — he heard someone say, though he didn't seem to know who, he was a ittle bit zoned out still.

When they were on their lunch break, Hyunjin quickly excused himself telling that he had to go to the bathroom. As soon as he got there, more acid made his way up. He wanted to scream, his head was pounding so hard that he thought it might explode sooner or later.

Filming was the worst part, as he needed to pretend everything was okay, as to not show any signs that might worry the others or to bother them.

He let himself sink to the ground, at least the floor was clean. Not that he cared about that in the moment, he was so tired. He just wanted to go home e cuddle with his boyfriends and eat Felix's delicious brownies. But he couldn't, he still had a few more hours to go.

Meanwhile, the other members were worried. Felix was talking about how Hyunjin was acting weird.

– It's been a while since he had go to the bathroom, I'm getting worried. — Felix said — He also didn't eat lunch yet, and the break is almost over.

— Actually, he's been weird since this morning tho. He almost didn't come with us, since we couldn't wake him up. — Jisung said, biting his lips anxiously, snuggling closer to Minho.

— Maybe we should check on him? — Seungmin suggested, and the others agreed.

As they went to Search for their boyfriend, they found him sleeping in in the dressing room. Chan got closer to Hyunjin, he looked absolutely adorable, like an angel, but at the same time...Exhausted? The leader could see his pale skin behind the makeup and his frowned expression.

— Guys, I think something is wrong. I think he might be sick. —  Chan said, hearing the soft gasps behind him.

Chan touched Hyunjin's forehead gently just to see if he had a fever or not. His forehead was burning, which he started to get more concerned. He turned around and nod, to confirm their suspicions.

— Hyunjinnie~ baby wake up... — He said whispering, while stroking the boys hair.

Hyunjin didn't move, nor responded to his attempts trying to wake him up. Chan gave the boy's face lightly taps, and the boy still didn't wake up.

— Hyung, what's wrong? — Jeongin asked, the youngest amoung them.

— I think he passed out, Felix try and talk with the producers and ask them if we could film on some other day, we need to get Hyunjin to the hospital. — Chan said, holding Hyunjin up in his arms, in a bridal style, while Felix ran to talk with the producers.

— Changbin, go get our things and go to the car, the rest of us will be waiting there. — Changbin nodded with his head and went to go get their things.

— Is Jinnie going to be okay? — Jisung asked, Minho still by his side, also nervous.

—  He will.

When Hyunjin woke up again, he saw white walls in front of him, this wasn't the studio. His vision still a little blurry, his head didn't hurt now, his body and stomach hurted less than before too.

— W-Where am I? — he asked, and flinched when his voice cracked.

"Prince! You're awake! " and "Hyung!" was all he heard.

He looked around, just to see his boyfriends gathering around him, worried expressions in their faces.

— Jinnie, baby... We found you passed out in the studio. Why didn't you say anything to us, angel? We would've had helped you. — Changbin said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.

— I didn't want to be a burden...— He said quietly, his boyfriends looking at him in shock.

— Prince, you never will be a burden to us. You can always talk to us. We love you and we care for you, fuck it what others say. You're our baby, our hyunjinnie. — Minho said, and the others agreed , telling him how much they loved him.

— Thank you. — he said, softly, Jeongin holding his hand.

—  There is no need for thank you and I'm sorry between us, hyung. — Felix smiled at him, Hyunjin felt the butterflies in his stomach, the same butterflies he felt on the day thet met, he...

He felt loved.

« Please forgive me for any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language. »

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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