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[Sorry if I made you guys excited that I updated!!! I reread the whole book and I didn't like how it sound in my head so I decided to rewrite it better(ish). Forgive me?]

Ally. Ally Collins. The one and only Ally Collins. You could probably consider her life horrible since she's a second child but trust me, it was nowhere near horrible.

She's the fraternal twin of Finn Collins-aka SpaceWalker- who, by the way, is the best brother she could ever have.

  She grew up close since their birth-practically like glue- and soon grew when they both met Raven Reyes. She's the most toughest girl that Ally has ever met in her-boring-life. She would do anything for the both of them no matter what.

  Raven's mom was an alcoholic, never even had enough time to spend some quality time with Raven. Instead of feeding her, she traded her ration cards for alcohol.

Ally and Finn literally saved her life. And would do anything for them in return. It broke her heart when Finn took the blame for her for an illegal spacewalk which caused a month worth of oxygen from the Ark. Then a month later Ally had gotten caught by steeling food for Raven and her.

She didn't know what to do. How could she deal with that when her two best friends did something for her and they had to pay the price.

Raven's world had officially broken down.

[249 words]

Slay Your Demons// B.B {Rewriting}Where stories live. Discover now