Taylors pov

"Good evening Tokyo, sayonara" I say waving to the crowd, as the life slowly goes down.

Running from below the stage, I jump into Eds arms.

"Ed you rocked it out their! That note you hit! Wow!" I say excitedly.

"It was alright, I guess" he says, boasting and laughing.

"Come on let's get going to red club, I saw this girl in the audience who was really into it, and in a costume change I asked mum to give her a pass" I say dragging Ed behind me.

We walk into red club, to be greeted with screams. I coming i smiling and waving, thinking about how good it is to have a so many great fans, how much they have supported me over the years, I just love them all to pieces.

The red club was so much fun tonight, I got to speak to the girl who I saw in the crowd. She had such a great personality, and she could speak English which helped me so much.

Once red club was over Ed and I headed into the car to the hotel. Today ended in a great high, and tomorrow I can't wait for, because we are going to Australia. I loved Australia, all of the beaches and the people there are so cool. I can not wait.

Once we were back at the hotel, Ed and I went out separate ways, to our rooms. To get out beauty sleep for tomorrow's 8hr plane ride, to Brisbane.

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