(Fieldtrip part 1) Parker luck

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Peter Parker was heading for a catastrophic fate;being shamed by his family,who happen to be the avengers.

And you may wonder,Why is this happening?
Well,the answer is easy.Peter's Science Teacher,Mr Johnson,announced early that morning that they were going on a field trip to Stark Industries.
Everyone got excited,everyone except Peter.And you don't need an explanation to know why...do you ?

Right now they were stepping out of the bus,just to see a giant building in front of them.
Stark industries or better known as the Avengers facility.

When they were at the entrance of the building,they saw a blonde-haired girl approaching them.

"Hello guys!! You're The Midtown High School of science and technology,right?" Everyone nodded. " Well,Let me introduce myself to you,I'm Emma and I'm gonna be your tour guide today"

Emma turned around for a sec and took a box from the reception.

"I'm gonna say your name,and you're gonna come and take your own badge,ok?" A chorus of yes's was heard.

Once all of them had their badges (everyone but Peter,MJ and Ned )  they were headed to scan their badges and get in.

"Cindy Moon,level white of clearance,no arms detected"

All the students gasp in awe when they heard the voice of an Irish lady come out of nowhere.

"Oh that's F.R.I.D.A.Y the AI who runs the entire building "

Once all the students scanned their badges,it was time for the trio to scan theirs.

"Michelle Jackson,level silver of clearance,no arms detected.Hello Mini lady boss,would you like me to announce your arrival to Mrs Potts or Miss Shuri ?"

"No,thanks FRIDAY"

"Ned Leeds,level Silver of clearance,no arms detected.Hello Ned,would you like me to announce your arrival to Mr Banner? "

"No thanks FRIDAY,it's okay"

"Peter Stark-Rogers,level Gold of clearance,no arms detected.Hi Mini Boss,shall I inform Mr Stark-Rogers of your arrival?"

"NO-I mean,no,thank you Fri,I'm just on a field trip"

"I'm sorry Baby Stark but I just informed The boss that you are in the building"

"Wait,why Parker is being called and treated like that?" Flash Thompson said with a frown.

"Because he's -" MJ was interrupted by Peter,Who gave her a warning look.
Well,of "warning" it had nothing,it was actually a pleading look.using his best puppy eyes and we all know no one can resist his puppy eyes.

"Ok guys,let's move on!!" Emma said with a grin.

They first went to the avengers museum,they all headed to their favourites avengers exhibit, and when Peter caught the sight of a bright red and blue suit,immediately went to it to admire it.


A man on a red and black suit showed in the museum,making all the heads turning to see him.

"So I heard here's my sweet Baby boy,have any of you seen him ?!" The man put in the air a drawing of his "baby boy "

"So I heard here's my sweet Baby boy,have any of you seen him ?!" The man put in the air a drawing of his "baby boy "

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Everyone was confused,who the hell was this man ?!!??!

Meanwhile,Peter was hiding behind a group of visitors, expecting not to be caught by that crazy guy Aka Deadpool Aka the Merc with a mouth Aka Peter's boyfriend.

But once he felt a big hand on his shoulder,he knew he was fucked up.
This could be the end of Spider-Man!
(Nope,at least not yet )

The hand turned him 'till they were face to face.
Looking at each other.
Peter catching his breath for a moment.
And suddenly Wade kisses him.

'Oh shit,you must be kidding me ' Peter thought.


Okokokokoko guys,I know this is crap but I just couldn't help but write it.
I mean I was bored and blah blah

If you have any idea please tell me,I'd love to hear it!!! Remember this is a one shot book!! 😉

Maybe nobody will read this but anyway.

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