Chapter 2: Escape

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The robot stood silently. It didn't know where it was or what it was doing, but just one thing was clear.


It could clearly picture that dog in it's head, and its purpose was to get to sam.

It heard some mumbling and looked around. A few scientists were clapping, since the experiment was a success. One scientist looks at the robot. "What is your name?"

something clicked in the robot's head.


. the scientist nodded. "Good! What is your favorite color?" Max smiled. "ORANGE." the scientist nodded "good!" She kept asking the robot questions about itself, like what was its gender (male), what it's favorite kind of music was (heavy metal (lol)) and what his favorite holiday was (Halloween). It went well until she asked the last question.

"What is your main objective?"

"TO LOVE SAM." he said with the biggest smile.

The scientist gave him a look of confusion. "Uh, no, your objective is to serve Sam, not love him. Robots can't love." Max's eyes turned from yellow to pink. "I LOVE SAM!" he smiled and giggled, he would have blushed if he could. The scientist gave Max a stern look. "Robots can't love! It's impossible!" max's eyes turn from pink to red. "I LOVE SAM AND I'LL KILL FOR HIM!" he let out a mechanical screech and lunged at the scientist.

After thoroughly and very violently beating her up, he lunged at any person who got too close, screaming about how he loved Sam and was going to find him no matter what.

He kept on his rampage until he was tackled and captured by security. "LET ME GO YOU HALF WITS!" The guards kept him secured. One scientist looked at the other. "There was a glitch in it's programming, causing it to be...sentient..." the other scientist gasped. "That means..." one scientist nodded. "Yes, it's too dangerous to be left alive.." She looks to security. "Put it with the other malfunctions." security nods and drags the wriggling and complaining rab-bot off.

They opened a big metal door. He was tossed in the pile of scrap metal, along with other rejected/malfunctioning robots who had run out of battery power and were now dead. They locked the big metal vault door and left him there. He growled, looking for a way out with his night vision. He spied an air vent on the ceiling and smiled. "AHA." using his claws, he climbed up the wall, and using his teeth, bit a hole in the vent, climbing inside. He crawled through the vent, using his claws to climb up until he reached the top, punching out the metal grate and climbing onto the nighttime rooftop. He looked around, seeing there was no fence. "PERFECT." he says, using his claws once again to climb down the side of the building, sneaking his way past security.

Once he was free, he looked down the road, seeing a cluster of lights in the distance, the city. He knew that was where Sam was. "I'M GOING TO FIND YOU SAM."

Max the Rab-botWhere stories live. Discover now