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Previously on girl who cried knight-

"Melady.." My grandmother whispered

"You have it" she quietly sobed
"I have what?" I asked once again only this time more scared than ever, I looked over at mother Mary hoping for some answers but She looks puzzled as well.


"You have the cursed" My grandmother cried

I had no idea what the cursed meant, but if my grandmother was crying then it was bad

"Whats a cursed?" I asked feeling bad for causing my grandmothers state she was in

"Whats a cursed?!" My grandmother said angryly but also crying she snapped her head at Mother Mary and glared

" you never told her mary?!" my grandmother sobed

"I never had time to tell her,nor was it important" Mother Mary snaped back

"Never had time?! you had 15 years and what do you mean it's not important she deserves to know  especially whe-"

Mother Mary stood up and rushed over to her mother to put her hands over her mouth,

"I deserve to know what?" a angry puzzled look on my face.

If there was something important for me to know then I needed to know it

I hugged my necklace close to my heart hoping that it would give me comfort

" I never told you the entire story about your adoptment" Mother mary spoke first,a apologetic look on her face

"What do you mean?"  I asked as a Hundred thoughts piled in my mind

"On the day I found you, when you were in your basket.... There was a note"

I always asked the questions about my adoptment, but I never knew There was a note, I knew I was abandoned and that I was left at her doorstep, but I never knew that person who abandoned me left a note.

"Can I read it?" was the only sentence that left my mouth
My eyes filled with hope

"You can't" was all that mother Mary said

"Why not?!" I pushed further hoping that I could change the answer

"cause it burned after I read it!" Mother Mary Hissed

I looked at grandmother giving her questionly look but all she did was shak her head disapprovingly

"What do you mean it burned?"

"Like it turned into ashs, it crumbled in my hand after it burned."

I scuffed in disbelievement

"What did the letter say?" I asked hoping maybe finally I'll get some answers

"Well... I don't remember exactly what it said, but there was mention of cursed ones, how one of your parents was one and you might be one but I didn't want to believe it and it was impossible you were a girl, girls can't be cursed only boys So It was a very high chance of you being one, so I didn't see the point in mentioning something that might not even happen" Mother mary sighed

"But she is one! and now We have to send her to that school! That school!"
My grandmother cried loudly almost screaming

I'm wondering how my sisters haven't interrupt yet, Are they still asleep?

I was still wrapping my head all around it ...My father was a cursed one? what even is a cursed one? Only boys could be cursed. how sexist, not the point, How could she not mention it to me I deserved to know. I have a right to know. Did my sisters know? And what school?!?

Girl Who Cried Knight[book 1]Where stories live. Discover now