I get startled awake by a loud knock at my door. "Nyla it like 1 pm! Are you ok?" I hear Peter ask from outside my door. If I'm being honest I was kinda drained from last night. So instead of saying anything I just let out a groan. I hear Peter open the door and walk over to me.
"Do you feel sick?"
"Angels don't get sick"
"They also don't have powers" I roll my eyes at his comment and turn away from him. Peter sighs dramatically and turns me back around so I was facing him. "Don't be salty Ny"
"Yep it's a nickname for you" she smiles as he tucks a strand of hair out of my face.
"Ok..well then I will call you...Pete"
"That's what Nat calls me"
"I don't have original ideas" I say laughing a bit.
"Clearly" Peter says before breaking out into a laughing fit. I poked his side before getting out of bed with a fake pout on my face
"Awh...don't be mad" he says getting up and walking towards me. He pats my head as soon as her reaches me. I rolled my eye before swatting him away.
"So small" he teases.
"Do you want me to use the staff?" I asked with a clearly irritated tone.
Peter chuckles. "Alright, alright...calm down little one"
I groan and storm out of my bedroom and down towards the kitchen I had notice the day I met the rest of the Avengers. Loki sat at the table all by himself, reading some book, and he must not have noticed me because he didn't say anything...well until I opened the fridge.
"Theres nothing in there. Thor came down earlier..." Loki says still not looking up. I awkwardly stand there for a second before closing the fridge.
"T-thanks" I mumble.
"Your a shy little thing.." Loki mumbles.
"Why does everyone keep calling me little" I groan under my breath.
"What was that darling?" He asks finally looking at me
"Nothing!" He lets out a loud sigh before looking back down at his book. I take a deep breath as I built up the courage to go sit across from him. He was the only other person here that would willingly talk to me, besides Peter, and I wanted to make the most of it. After all this is my new home.
"So....you like...reading?"
"Clearly and speaking of that...goodbye" he closes his book with a loud slam and quickly leaves the kitchen. I sigh before heading back to my room. "Well that failed" I mumbled as soon as I stepped in and closed the door.
"What?" Peter asks making me jump.
"Jesus Peter!"
"Sorry...what failed though?"
"Me trying to talk to Loki.."
"Yeah..good luck with that he mostly keeps to himself" I groan before going to sit beside Peter. I let my body fall backwards on my pillows and relax in the perfect position.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"What is a movie?"
"It's like...something you can watch on electronics..we're definitely watching Star Wars first"
"What is-" Peter interrupts me by placing his hand over my mouth.
"That's enough questions.." he says with a chuckle. I take his hand from face and entangled my fingers with his. I feel him squeeze my hand lightly before resting his head on my shoulder and turning on the movie. I couldn't pay any attention to what was happening in the movie though because my senses was flooded with this weird fluttery feeling I got had in my stomach when Peter squeezed my hand.

It was about an hour into the movie when I heard soft snores coming from Peter. I lightly placed his head on the pillow beside me. I smiled as I ran my hands through his hair causing him to snuggle into my stomach.

I continued to run m hand through his hair until I felt my eye lids get heavier and heavier.

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