Chapter 13: Moving On is Hard

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I woke up that morning with puffy eyes, only to realize that I have to go to work. Geoffrey spent the night comforting me and had left early in the morning to go to work. I can't explain how thankful I am to have had him there to comfort me. Even though I'm still hurting, I can't stop thinking about Romeo. He was my first boyfriend, I fell in love with him even before he knew me. I never thought this day would come, I believed that we would've been together and made a life together, being inseparable. I don't think I'll stop loving him despite the fact that he hurt me, he means too much. But I have to move on.

I decided to write a journal, to keep my emotions under control so I don't lash out in tears again. I write: And I will cry myself to sleep everyday, until I start to forget you. You have taught me how to love, but now I've learned to hate once more. I have lost the trust and faith in any man, and will always feel this way until proven other wise. I can not say my feelings have been evoked by your dreadful pain, but by you. I shall not forgive you ever again. Every tear shed were glimpses of what was, could've been and should've been. I will move on and leave you in the past.

I get to work already expecting to be drenched with the smell of lotions and perfumes. I put a smile on my face and wait for the day to be over.
As I'm nearing the end of my shift, I start to think of everything, feeling tears form in my eyes. I pinch myself hoping to hold them back, I need to control myself to not cry here at work. I gather my things as soon as I can to get out of there. As I'm walking out I feel someone pull me into their arms.
"I know you want to cry beautiful, but if you do, make sure it's with me. I want to make you feel better until you no longer have the urge to cry." royce tells me as he hugs me.
I say nothing as I stay wrapped inside his arms, letting loose of everything I've been holding in. He rubs my back and tries to calm me, until eventually he accomplishes it.
"I will help you move on Destiny, it won't be easy but you can do it." he whispers into my ear.
2 months later
I see myself starting to smile more often, It's been 2 weeks since I've cried myself to sleep. The bags under my eyes have finally disappeared and I am starting to eat again. I have accepted to love myself, to appreciate the little things and to see the good in everything. Holding a grudge towards someone is not worth it, especially when they once meant everything to you. Royce has been so supportive of me, he has been there making me feel better, making sure I'm eating and sleeping.
At work I got promoted to be a cashier, and I finally raised enough money to buy a car. My car is not the nicest, but I love it and it will get me to places much faster. I have been going to the gym to let out my stress, allowing myself to get back in shape, gaining the weight I lost, in muscle. I have taken interest in art and poetry writing, since it has been a form of releasing my emotions with out hurting myself. I am now proud to say that I am moving on, leaving the past behind me.

Geoffrey texted me this morning and said he would take me out to dinner later tonight. I have not gone out to dinner in a long time, so I look forward to tonight. In the meanwhile, I start to play the guitar and practice on a song I've been writing. I don't like singing since I'm not the best at it, though my mom always told me I had a good voice.

As I'm getting ready, I don't know what to wear so I put on a plain black romper that hugs my body. I don't feel makeup at the moment, so I only curl my eye lashes and do my eyebrows. I put my hair in a donut bun and complete the look with low nude pointed heels. Once I hear the knock, I grab my purse and head towards the door. Once I look at the door, Geoffrey stands in the door way with a red rose in his hand, speechless.
"You look amazing as always.." he tells me still in a gasp.
"Likewise to you Mr. Rojas." I say blushing. He did look good, and smelled fantastic.
He holds out the rose for me and I take it with a smile on my face.
"I love seeing you smile, it makes me happy." he tells me with sympathy.
"It's all thanks to you." I respond back with a bigger smile.

He decided to take me to an Italian restaurant since I've always talked about wanting to go to one. We have a man escort us to our table, where Royce holds the chair open for me to sit. They take our order, and I can't keep my eyes off the place. It's so beautiful and romantic.
I turn to look at Royce, realizing that his face goes blank.
"Destiny come, let's go. I'll take you somewhere else." he tells me taking my hand to leave.
"Why Geoffrey? What's wrong?" I ask. Before he could answer I turn around and my heart stops. I find myself staring at Romeo and Berenice hand in hand.
Im updating more now! I think it's because these chapters are more based off my emotions. And if that person is reading this, well just know I still have hope. If this chapter wasn't as good then let me know! 😛 but I love when you Vote & comment💗 I feel good about my work so thank you so much for reading! I'd love to hear feedback on what you guys think! Give me ideas in what you think may happen or what should happen.🌸

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