Chapter 6 - Controlled

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Milton and Jerry sneaked into the central control room.

"That's just weird, the door isn't locked, no one is inside the room... maybe it's a trap," Milton guessed.

"Well it's lunchtime, and I think they just forgot to lock the door. But you're right, it's weird. I've never seen a pig sleeping in the central control room, hahah, " Jerry laughed and pointed to a cage.

Milton shrugged, "Jerry look, it's the CCTV system of the lab. Jack, Kim and Taylor are coming out of the prison! They saved Kim! Now I'd hacked this to my phone, so we know which way did they go. And I don't think this lab is legal... I gotta called the cops after we leave this lab. There's completely no signal for my phone. We have to leave as soon as possible after I finished."

"Why? This place is awesome, look at this machine it can shoot laser. And this button... What's the meaning of 'CR'?"
"No no not that one!"
"Too late," Jerry smirked.
"Jerry! The 'C' is for Conscious and the 'S' is for Robots. Pressing this button can call these robots out and they will shoot metal armbands to people. Then his eyes will turn red and controlled by the master of this lab!"
"How do you know?"
"It's written right under the button! This kind of robots are illegal at the moment. We need to get out of here to meet Jack, Kim and Taylor at the entrance of The House of Wasabi as soon as possible," Milton was tired to explain.

Milton and Jerry ran out of the lab, what they didn't notice is someone was keeping an eye on them.

- Back with Jack, Kim and Taylor -

"This is a huge lab, we're never gonna leave this place," Taylor saw the notation she made previously to recognize the directions. She sighed and looked at the broken-up lovers in front of her.

"CR system is on," the voice of the central computer appeared. "What the...?" Kim frowned.

The Conscious Robots came out. They focused their targets on Kim. Their guns were in position, Jack saw the tip of the metal armband - up to no good. Jack didn't even hesitate for a second. He knew what to do.

"Kim!" An armband was shot to Kim. Jack threw himself at Kim and caught her, with his arms wrapping fully around Kim's body to protect her. Then they fell on the ground. Kim noticed there's an armband on Jack's right arm.

"JACK!" Kim cried, she saw Jack's pupils were turning red.

Jack tried to get rid of the armband, but it was useless. The more he struggled, the faster his mind got controlled. He stared at Kim, with no emotions.

Taylor tried to keep those robots away from them. However, they turned away quite oddly and left after shooting the armband.

Jack threw a fireball onto Kim suddenly. She ran off from that quickly.
"What're you doing?!" Kim asked, with her heart pumping faster and faster.

Jack remained silent, and threw another fireball on Kim. Kim was horrified, her boy... her heart was torn apart, now she knew nothing had really changed.

"Kim we have to get out of here, Jack is controlled!" Taylor caught Kim's hand and started running.
"But..." Jack was still staring at Kim, rancorously.
"Look Kim, I know there's one place we can go,"

--To be continued

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