Chapter 1

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The thunder crackled all around me as I raced past trees towards the border of our territory. If I could just make it to the river, I could wade through to the other side and erase all traces of my scent, then maybe, I could also leave my wretched life behind.

That was when, in the distance, I heard it. His howl reverberated in me, making me shiver in fear. I knew he was coming, but if I could hear him then he was near. Cal had never once loved me, but, if caught, he would keep me prisoner until I gave birth to his precious heir. This thought alone pushed me to run even faster to escape that fate.

I could see the river up ahead, but the sound of Cal's paws closing in on me warned me against an early victory. Before I had a chance to react, Cal's wolf slammed into me and pinned me to the muddy ground.

"Where do you think you are going. Did you really think you could escape me so easily," Cal bellowed over the rain as it pounded down on us.

"For once this wretched bond did me some good. It led me right to you."

"Why not let me go Cal; why not free us both from this sham of a marriage" I pleaded squirming from underneath him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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