Shadow Take Over? Pt: 2

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If you haven't read the first part of this mini series you should!

Warnings: Swearing, Gore Talk and BXB(BoyxBoy)

Ship: David x Mario, Little bit of Viper x Pat and Brandon x Allumos :3


Allumos's POV:

Its been three days after this whole incident and Colin and Seekah have went missing. I had hope to only keep it between Grimshade members to try and find them but with Bren and Pat not being able to help, and with Michael trying to kill Pat I think its time we reach out to the other Guild leaders and too Mario and Bryan. Due to them having a dragon bond with both Colin and Seekah they see them as brothers, but they both haven't gotten strong enough for mind link only, Viper, Mario and Bryan have it. I was sitting in my office thinking of what we should do until I heard a knock on the door. "Allumos its me Viper, I want to talk to you" I heard, "Come in Viper come in" I said with a sigh. "Hey how you holding up?", "To be honest my boy not that great" I said getting up from my chair. "I haven't yet have a clue to here Colin and Seekah are, I have to go tell Mario that I lost Colin and Seekah for heaven sake he trust me to watch after them and I have to save Michael while asking the help from the other Guild Leaders!" I said gripping my hair.

I soon felt someone arms wrap around me, when I looked up I saw Viper hugging me. And thats when I broke, I let me tears fall and I started crying, "I-Im so w-worried what if w-we don't find t-them!" I said hugging Viper back. I soon start feeling the top pf my head get wet making me realize that Viper started crying as well. "There strong Allumos I just hope that there strength will be enough" I heard him say with a crack in his voice. "We should head to Divinus Magia, and ask to help with finding Colin and Seek and also figuring out how to fix Michael back" I said separating from the hug. "Of course we can leave Bren and Pat with Lily, she would be able to help them" Viper said. "Oh how is Bren, when I first saw him he was unconscious beside you" I said. "He's doing better which is good, the dagger wasn't anywhere near any organs so he should be fine just left with a scar" he said getting a tissue and handing it over to me.

"Thats good to hear" I said grabbing the tissue and start dabbing it on my eyes. "Well I will gather a few things and then we can go, oh! and can you please tell lily that we are heading out so she can keep watch of both Pat and Bren, Viper thank you" I said waving him off. "Of course, ill meet you downstairs" I heard him say and then I hear the door open and close. Well then its time to pay a visit to Divinus Magia. 

Once we had left Grimshade, both me and Viper had taken a potion to ease us with our motion sickness and got on the next boat to Divinus Magia. It took about 30 minutes until we got there, and once we did I felt a wave a nerves kick in. "Ah Viper im already getting the nerves to what Mario is going to say and that Bryan won't be here" I claimed. "It will be fine Allumos if Mario were to try something after you tell him this information, I will be there and so will his Guild be, we both know that they aren't trying to him back to prison" said Viper placing a hand on my shoulder. "I guess your right, well lets get going" I said and started walking to the Guild Hall.

We were at the front of the Guild Hall and we heard Voices and giggling coming from inside. I took a deep breath and entered inside, when we entered I see inmo hiding behind a Kit who was trying to hide herself "Oh Kit~ Inmo~ you shall pay for what you did" I heard Ritchie call out. Then on the other hand I saw Mario, David and Lucas talking together. I noticed that none of them notice us walk in until Brandon looks over at the Guild Halls entrance to see us two standing there. "Brother it seems that have two guest here" said Brandon flying off his chair. "Guest?" He said and then turned around to see me and Viper while pinching both Kits and Inmo cheek. And when Brandon said that it caught the attention of Mario, David and Lucas.

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