Chapter 9 The Change

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Chapter 9

Last time on the berserk demon slayer we found out that Broly and Kanae have fallen in love with each other, and how will this change their fate will it cause them harm or good.

3 days later

So, at the moment Broly and Kanae are working as a team to fight a group of demons. It is tough for Broly to fight demons on his own because of the fact, that he does not know how to use a sword well and that they are able to regenerate the damage he has inflicted on them.

Broly: taking on a demon and overpowering him, but was not able to kill him because of his regeneration kept him from dying

Kanae: comes in and kills the demon by the big opportunity broly was giving her

Broly: I had him While smiling

Kanae: sorry didn't know the sun was coming out this early While smiling and coming closer to Broly

Broly: Hey don't make fun of me. For not knowing how to use a sword well While smiling back at her

Kanae: Don't worry that your girlfriend is better than you at killing a demon and is a Hashira While hugging him

Broly: Hey am a Hashira as well just like you Smiling

Kanae: I know. Thinking Like it was yesterday when he took the title of Hashira

Beginning of Flashback

Broly showed up to the Hashira meeting with Kanae and when he got there all the Hashira beside Kanae where in fighting position just in case he came for round 2.

Kagaya (Leader): stand down he did not come for a fight

Broly: Am sorry for what happen last time, but I came to talk about the offer you gave me While he was in front of Kagaya and all of the Hashira

All the Hashira: waiting for what his response will be

Broly: yes I will be joining you guys as a Hashira

Kagaya: perfect

Broly: But one thing is that I will work as a team because I don't have a experience using a weapon to kill demon

Kagaya: ok understandable, and your partner will be Kanae

Sanemi (Wind Hashira): wait why Kanae While having a confused face

Kagaya: because from the looks of it they been getting really close lately

Broly: blushes

Kanae: laughs at Broly's face for getting red

End of flashback

After finishing all the demons they headed back home. When they got there a crow says that the Kagaya what's to meet him and just him.

Broly: looks like I have to go Looking at Kanae one more time before he has to go

Kanae: it does look like it, but promise me you won't get mad

Broly: I promise They both kiss each other and broly left

When Broly meet with the Kagaya he bowed the way that Kanae taught him. And looked at him and wait for what he will be request from him.

Kagaya: So, Broly I noticed that you and Kanae are a great due and wanted to know if you could be able to do that, but with a different teammate instead

Broly: (I don't like where he's going with this, but I will give it a try) Sure it shouldn't be a problem

Kagaya: ok great you can come out Sanemi

Broly: looks at him (not that bastard, I hate him) and starts to get angry

Sanemi: (So this was his plan along, for the both of us to get along)

Kagaya: I know you guys really dislike each other, but you guys will work together to get over this hate you have for each other (I know they can get along)

Both broly and Sanemi: yes And gets up and leave

They both left the area and when they got far enough for Kagaya to not hear them, they looked at each with anger. Getting ready to throw down, but decide not to, to not disappoint the Kagaya.

Sanemi: let's just get this over with While he walks fast so he doesn't have to see or talk to broly any longer

Broly: Same While they go do the same mission as a team because Kagaya said so

While they where completing the mission, Sanemi noticed that Broly did not kill a single demon and called him out on it

Sanemi: why are you even a Hashira if you can not even finish a single demon While he said this even more demons pop out of the forest to ambush them

Broly: Just breeze in and out to keep his cool then he hears

Sanemi: I feel very sorry for Kanae for falling in love with someone this weak While he is smiling for pushing Broly's buttons even more

Broly: he snapped and lots of anger started to go through his blood and his eyes turned to yellow and his hair started to stand spike and grow a aura around him. He has transformed.

Sanemi: (somethings different it like he got bigger and is stronger) While he saw him punch a demon through 5 trees and the demon was spitting out lots of blood from it's mouth.

Then lots of demons came rush to Broly and he notice this and got even more angry that he could not kill them, but then noticed a weird green ball was forming in his hand. When he notice this he moved his hand around so it can leave, but it was launched at the demons that where attacking him and it disintegrated them and a hole area of trees.

Sanemi: with his mouth open by what he has saw broly have done (he's dangerous, not a sing demon to be seen and set. I have to tell Kagaya before it gets out of hand) While getting ready to get broly off guard

Broly: Looking at his hand amazed by what he has done and powers down. Then he hears

Kanae: Broly!!! While she was approaching both him and Sanemi

Broly: Feels a sharp pain and his neck and blacks out

This has change Broly from controllable to unknown like if he is friend or foe to the demon slayer corps and what would happen if he every when bad. Found out next chapter.

End of chapter 9

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