Human Reader on their period (P2)

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- I have a headcanon that Army is actually extremely interested in humanity and their history in general. He probably has an entire manual on humanity, in fact. He most likely recruited you as help for writing it, and since you actually experience periods yourself, you can teach him more about the subject!

- Only problem is, he treated you more as a teacher/test subject than as a partner... He failed to recognize that you needed help too. Once he realizes he was being inconsiderate, he'll put the notes away and begin taking care of you.

- Being an aggressive mom friend (or less aggressive mom boyfriend) he usually wouldn't let you lay around all day, because he wants you to live a healthy lifestyle. But he'll give you a lot more slack when you're on your period, though he still encourages you to get stuff done if you can. This is also one of the only times he will let you eat in bed. Take advantage of that.


- Out of all the things he was expecting to hear fron you, this was not it. I mean bleeding out the pussy??? For what??? But as confused as he is, he understands you're in pain and he wants to help! He's ready to do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face!!

- He's extra sweet around you during this time. He gives you a lot more compliments/general attention. Don't even think about putting yourself down... Seriously, don't. You'll get a long and boring talk about why you're the absolute best. He just needs to go write an essay and finally get it out of his system smh

- Oh, and if you need anything? Aloha's already got one foot out the door! He's very quick so he can easily be back from the store in fifteen minutes. Overall he's a very nice presence to have around.


- At this point in your relationship, he was well over the shock about humanity. Mask officially became numb to it all after you revealed most cephalopod era games are ripped off of games from the human era. So he wasn't really surprised.

- But how he responded did actually manage to catch you off guard. "So... You basically perform a blood sacrifice every month?" Because that's like the most heavy metal way of putting it and it's totally awesome. The name sticks and you start going around convincing people that you're a cultist. (Mask won't say it but he doesn't mind because he thinks dating a cultist would be hot-)

- Anyways! Now that people are scared of you two more than ever, that gives you time to just chill while you're on your "monthly blood sacrifice." He'll take time off to support you and nobody will question it because they don't want to know. What happens in the blood sacrifice stays in the blood sacrifice.


- Skull listens intently when you tell him. He usually isn't the greatest listener, but he takes it seriously when he hears you're in pain. The first thing he'll try to do is ask if there's a way to stop the pain, and if there isn't, he'll resort to something that always makes him feel better when upset. "I see... Want some candy?"

- It's the best way he knows. You had access to his sweets stash before, but he'll let you take whatever you want during this time. He feels bad that he can't do more.

- He won't be super caring 100% of the time (It's just not in his nature) but he'll drop everything if you start getting really bad pains. Will hold you in his arms and refuses to let you go until he knows you're okay again.


- He isn't very phased when he learns about it. It's extremely difficult to catch someone like Emperor off guard. That said, he is a bit curious on how you've managed to deal with such a thing for so long. Knowing that he's got someone tough like you as his partner feeds his ego more.

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