Chapter twenty. ((edited))

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He found the opportunity to knock her head when she was looking away. Her head bled because it hit the concrete floor. Her mother limped her way to her but she screamed, "Run! I can handle myself!"

Her pistol slipped off of her pocket.

Her mother did as she said and Irene wanted to help her but she grabbed Yeri first. She was to hold Seulgi, too, but then the man held onto Seulgi's leg. "Just go. I'll handle him."

Irene hesitated but she had Yeri in her arms. She said she'll be back because she'll secure her mom and Yeri first.

When Irene got out the building, she rushed to the car, where the heavily wounded Mama Kang was trying to stay alive. She placed Yeri in the car seat with her hands shaking. She was in panic and couldn't put Yeri well. Mama Kang offered to put the seatbelt on and told Irene to run inside. The cops were to come as well.

But she went inside, the man pointed the pistol on Seulgi's head, while his foot stepping on her head to avoid it from moving. Her hands were tied. And her chest faced the floor.

"I-Irene. I l-love you..." Seulgi's voice trailed off. Seulgi was bleeding so much, she might just run out of blood before she could even escape the place. Before she could run towards Seulgi, the liquid on the floor that separated Irene and Seulgi lit up. It was gas, the guy threw his lighter on it. Now, Irene couldn't move forward.

The flames grew bigger, it was harder for Irene to see the guy. Then she heard a shot. Her heart stopped.

And as always, the cops arrived late. Trying to drag Irene away from the flames. Irene at first was shocked, she didn't show any emotion. But when it got to her, she cried so bad, she tried to get off the cops grip and tried to run onto the flames to save Seulgi. It was too late. The body was already burning.

She cried loudly, cursing, and grasping onto her hair. Her knees weakened and she dropped to the ground.

Everything was in slow motion until she lost consciousness.


She woke up sweating so badly. She was in her room. Baby Yeri was on the crib, asleep. The sunlight peeked through the curtains and her eyes adjusted on the brightness.

She later realized it was a dream. A fucking dream. She sighed and went downstairs to grab a drink.

Then the people downstairs were crying, all wearing black. They gathered in a circle. Some of them were sitting on the couch and some were standing up.

What's going on? It was all a dream, right?

Mama Kang, full of bandages and cast on her right arm, noticed Irene looking at them.

"You're awake." Then all of the people which turned out to be the maidservants and their close relatives. All red and puffy eyes.

Mama Bae came to her and hugged her. "I'm so sorry with what happened. I couldn't imagine what you must be going through." She rubbed her back. But Irene was still confused.

"What's happening? Where's Seulgi?" They all exchanged glances and kept quiet.

Then slowly, they all gave way to make a pathway and it revealed Seulgi's frame and an urn beside it.

An urn.

It kept repeating in her mind. Until she realized... It was Seulgi. Tears fell down her cheeks and she wiped them off. She didn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

"No. No." She backed off and tripped, she fell on her bum. The maidservant offered her hand to help her get up but she didn't grab it.

"You all are joking!" She then ran upstairs to look for Seulgi in her old room, she wasn't there. In the nursery, she wasn't there. She looked for her even in the storage room, but she wasn't there.

"She can't be..." She thought. Her hand was on the door knob and she fell on the ground thinking about what had happened the last time she saw Seulgi.

But the last time they saw each other was when they made love. She grasped her hair, thinking she was going crazy. She then went inside their room, which used to be her bedroom alone, but they decided to share it. She saw the sleeping Yeri. She cried. She then started singing.

"Distance, timing~"

She remembered when she first met Seulgi. It was indeed a perfect timing.

"Breakdown, fighting~"

She then remembered Seulgi wanted to cut off the wedding after crying so hard for having her toy broken. Irene did regret that.

"Silence, the train runs off its tracks~"

Now, it was all going to be silent. With no jolly Seulgi around. It's just going to be her and Yeri.

"Kiss me, try to fix it~"

Whenever Seulgi found Irene pouting, she'd kiss her and tell her how much she loves her.

"Could you just try to listen?"

Seulgi's stubbornness of not listening to others made Irene missed it. Now she wanted to hear Seulgi nagging about everything.

"Hang up, give up~"

She just couldn't accept the fact that Seulgi just let go that easily. She just told her I love you like she was accepting her fate to die.

"For the life of us we can't get back~"

It'll take time for her to get used to everything without Seulgi.

"A beautiful magic love there~"
"What a sad beautiful tragic love affair~"

She didn't even get to marry her. It was sad, the story was beautiful yet tragic.

She remembered the locket Seulgi was to give her, she took it out and stared at it. She realized that there were words engraved inside.

"Believe in the red string of fate."

She held onto that and cried the entire night. With the locket on her hand.



Sorry for the crappy ending, but there's book two. So please trust the red string, coz there's going to be another. I love everyone who supported and read this. ♡

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