Chapter 1 - Another Day

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3rd Person POV [Tommy Focus]

Tommy woke up in an old creaky bed. This wasn't unusual, neither was having hair sticking into his mouth. What was unusual was the scent. He could smell a sweet aroma that reminded him of security, safety and home, one that made his mouth water, pupils dilate and ears twitch feverishly.

In a flash, Tommy was following the aroma, sliding down the splinted, cracked, ancient wood, swinging round the broken kitchen countertop parting their kitchen from their very small living room, and standing very still, too still. Tommy eyed the kitchen: he looked at the broken microwave that had been rewired many times to keep it alive; the shattered glass of the oven; the bare gas stovetop since the gas top was sold to make rent a year ago; the barely attached cupboard doors with incredibly rusted hinges; the heater that hadn't been working since before they moved in; and saw nothing. No-one.

The smell was from the window, their elderly neighbour who had put their freshly baked pie on the windowsill as they hung up their washing out on the window mounted drying rack they'd graciously accepted the offer to share. Tommy's ears drooped and tail swished as he realised that the sweet aroma that had woken him was unattainable.

Trudging the few feet back to his shared cupboard sized bedroom with his tail scraping on the splintered wood, he noticed Ranboo was trying to coax a sleepy Tubbo from chewing his bandana to pieces. Tommy chuckled a bit and decided to grace Ranboo with his beloved help by flicking Tubbo on the forehead until he eventually got up and death glared Tommy. Definetly not a good sign.

Tommy's POV [20 Minutes Later]

I was being scolded! Me!

I can't believe Tubbo is scolding me because I woke him up, that is not very poggers of him - No me gusta!

I looked down at Tubbo and tried to focus, I really did but my thoughts eventually drifted into sub consciousness and I zoned out.

'Do bees have dreams?'

I was snapped out of brilliant thoughts as I was being screamed at by Tubbo now. I looked slightly up away from my hands fingering the holes in my torn shirt, (Hehe funny word.) and stared blankly at Bossman.

"Did you hear a thing I said?"


"What did I say then?"

"Uhhh - To be poggers and go eat Ranboo's meal!"

"No Tommy! We have the rent due in three days and the bills the day after. We have only scraped together just under 2/3rds of the rent due let alone bills so we need to gather money quickly!"

It only took a second to dawn on me that this was one of the closest calls they've had with rent and bills. I started going through the ways we could get money; Stealing, pickpocketing, selling, marketing, services, drugs, street bets - the lot. I was pulled out of my spiralling thoughts by Tubbo dragging me to the flat, patchwork beanbag and, with a sigh, pushing me down onto it. Ranboo then came in with three tiny plates with 1/6 of a can of beans each.

3rd Person POV[No Focus]

The three shared half a tin of baked beans between them solemnly, Ranboo despised beans, he wouldn't put it past himself to say terrified, Tubbo was indifferent, it was food, as he said and Tommy actually quite enjoyed it and wished for more often but would never let anyone know. The three quickly finished, cleaned up a bit and grabbed gear.

Over the meal of beans, they had discussed that betting on street fights and pickpocketing was the most profitable thing they could do. They grabbed their alias' and headed out without locking the door. The lock was broken and regardless, the only valuable thing in there was the copper in the wires.

°~Codenames~° Troublemakers!AuМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя