Chapter 2

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You've had a pretty stressful week and decide that a hike would be the perfect thing to relax you. You think of the beautiful nature, the chirping birds, the gorgeous streams, and decide you just have to do it. You pack everything you need like food, water, snacks, and a small tent, and set off on your journey excitedly.

During your hike, darkness begins to fall. Soon you notice some sort of light coming ahead and wonder what on earth it could be. Since you have nothing better to do, you approach the building curiously. A tavern?  You wonder aloud to yourself.  Yes, but not just any tavern.. You find yourself walking towards The Poison Apple (a tavern for all of the villains of the world.) Being exhausted, you walk towards the tavern hoping to find a place to rest.  

You enter and find that it is quite loud in here. You try to find someone who could help you and keep stumbling on people's feet and bumping into everyone.

Finally, you get to the bar, and you sit down with a sigh finally escaping all of the people. Unlucky for you, a man sits next to you, clearly drunk, and says "Hey baby, care for a drink? How about you come with me to a nice house and have some fun with me?" He says and you hear multiple people behind him wolf whistle at you.

"Um, no thanks actually I'd rather not. Now kindly fuck off before I rip your dick clean off." You snap, and his eyes widen as he slowly backs off.

You grin to yourself, knowing he won't bother you again and you wait for the bartender to come over and greet you.

She comes over and smiles at you and asks you if you would like anything. You return the smile but turn her down, seeing as with all these people you could seriously get hurt if you got too drunk. 

"I'm looking for a place to stay for the night. I've been hiking for hours now and I'm exhausted. If there's anywhere near here, directions would be a huge help." You explain.

She responds almost instantly telling you there's a cabin just down the road not far from here. You smile and thank her and tip her even though you didn't get anything. Before you leave you ask for her phone number, since she seems very nice.

As you squeeze through the crowd of people, you finally escape all of the alcohol floating in the air and turn on your phone flashlight. "69 percent" you mutter and note how much battery you have left, hoping there's somewhere for you to plug in your phone in the cabin.

As you walk, you become more exhausted, wondering if you walked the wrong way. 

Out of sheer exhaustion, you collapse on the ground and fall asleep almost instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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