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Christmas was just around the corner so I decided I had better do some shopping. What better excuse then that to get away from my busy job as a magazine editor to escape to a small town know for it's fabulous celebration of Christmas.
On my first day there, I went looking for my aunt's Xmas wreath. Then to my pleasant surprise it began to snow. The white flakes whirled in the cool brisk air and lightly touch
my cheeks as they fell softly from the sky. A rare occasion for this area.
The streets were all lit up with colorful Xmas lights and decoration. The hidden sun behind the Grey clouds went down. Yet the atmosphere was bright and xmas music fill the air.
I saw a wreath shop and went inside to find a silver and gold wreath that was perfect for my aunt's door that could easily rival her "keep up with the jones
I was going out the entrance of the shop snd due to the snow the ground had become slippery and I almost fell if a hand hadn't catch my arm . I looked around to thank whoever it was who had prevented me from literally falling flat on my face and looked into the clearest blue
eyes I had ever seen. He was s handsome tall man with broad shoulder and a charming smile.
The larger snowflakes danced in silence between us for several seconds before we both snapped out of some magical moment of entrancement .
Than I managed to say thank you and he smiled nodded and we both went our separate ways.
I had rented a small cottages that had timber on it like the European Tudor age. Solvang in sunny California was famous for it's mostly Dutch and Danish architecture and elaborately decorated the small town for the Christmas Holidays.
There were a variety of shops snd many people were wandering and shopping.
I saw the horse driven trolly coming down the street and decided to get on and when I sat down on one of the seats I turned to look in the face of the stranger again.
He looked at me and casually said
There are no such thing as coincidences- would you care to have a cup of coffee with me.
I laugh snd replied yes.
He took me to a bakery with delicious danish buns and steaming hot coffee.
It turns out he had come down for the week end to check on his hotel..
I noticed there was no ring on his finger and I saw him checking on my hand also.
There is something about you that fascinates me, he said. I keep getting the feeling that I've met you before even though I know I have not.
Afterwards we stroll together down the streets enjoying the shops snd each other.
When we got to my cottage , he asked me to have dinner with him. I said I would love to.
Luckily I had brought along my red cocktail dress. Piling my long black hair up high on my head and topped my outfit off with my dangling ruby earrings.
He picked me up in a black sports car and we rode along the coast where I could see the beautiful ocean.
He pulls up in front of a gorgeous mansion lit with guest elegantly dress arriving snd letting the valet take their cars.
You live here? I asked.
I'm afraid so, he replied. It was the best I could find in the area. I lived all my life in Europe but after my divorce I wanted to have a fresh start so I moved here.
The mansion was fabulous and as i danced with him I felt like I was in a fairytale dream that at any moment
I was going to wake up.
He took my hand and I found myself on a covered balcony looking out on the light trees on the lawn and before I knew it I was in his arm and smothered with tenders kisses from him.
I knew when I first saw you he said that I had to have you but when we met again I knew fate had played it's part in making my dream come true.
I'm asking you to share my life with
me- will you?
Yes of course I said and we kissed with deep compassion and commitment
I went back to my job and came down on week ends and we grew closer until one night at dinner on the patio he asked me to marry him
I now live in that gorgeous mansion and we are tremendously happy.
I'm so glad I went to get my aunt Xmas wreath and by the way she was the envy of the whole neighborhood. And that I never stop dreaming and believing they could come true!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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