Chapter one

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Sixteen years later, Dean Smith was peacefully sleeping when he heard someone knocking on his door. Dean remained completely silent and did his best to ignore the knocking when his door was pushed open.

"Dean," he heard his father say. "Why are you still in bed,"

"Fifteen more minutes," Dean complained and rolled over. He heard a sigh coming from his father as the window opened allowing sunshine to come through and blind him. "Ugh! Someone turn off the light!"

"It's impossible to turn the sun off son, now did you stay up late with Carmen again?" His father asked. "I've told you that you've got to focus on your training,"

"Seriously, can't I have a day off?" Dean complained as he picked his pillow up and placed it over his head.

"Don't make me get the dog," his father playfully threatened.

"Alright, Alright!" Dean exclaimed and took off the pillow. "I'm up I'm up," Dean said as his father had walked out to allow Dean to change. With the door closed behind his father, Dean climbed out of bed to get dressed. It was his first year at hunter's academy, despite the fact that he basically grew up there. And he had been wishing for a normal life but knew that wouldn't happen. Checking his calendar he noticed that it was the day that they were going to do a drawing for one civilian to arrive at hunter's academy. Dean scoffed at that since it was rare for civilians to even come to the academy, most of the civilians didn't last a day and would drop out immediately or drop dead. "I feel sorry for the person who'll be picked, I don't think they'll last," Dean said to himself as he got dressed and made his way to the dining area, Dean's father, Mark Smith, owned the school and therefore it allowed him to get accepted easily.

Hunters of all age groups left their rooms to make their way to the dining hall. Those who were born with hunting in their blood had special abilities that they needed to learn. Dean, however, still didn't know what his special abilities were. He hoped for something cool, like invisibility or mind-reading.

"Yo Dean over here!" a voice called out. Dean recognized it as his best friend Benny, the two had been inseparable ever since they met at ten years old. "Where have you been brother?" He asked. "The whole place is talking about how you managed to convince Carmen to go out with you,"

"Hey, what can I say?" Dean said. "No one can say no to me, as for where I've been, I was trying to sleep, plus I checked the calendar and saw that today was drawing day, though I wonder who's gonna do the drawing," Dean took a sip from his glass as he listened to his friend.

"Believe it or not you're doing man," Benny told him. Dean blinked a few times wondering if Benny was joking. "Not kidding man Garth got banged up in a vamp nest so you're doing that,"

"Great," Dean said sarcastically. "Just what I need, honestly do we even need this drawing,"

"Hey I don't make the rules Dean," Benny reminded him. "But let's just hope we don't get a civilian like Bela, it took me weeks to clean the floor," he continued. "Besides you haven't heard the best part yet," Dean narrowed his eyes wondering where Benny was going with this. "The new civilian is going to be living with you,"

"What?!" Dean exclaimed. "Tell me my dad didn't actually make that decision," Dean did not want to share a room with a new kid. He liked having his own room and didn't want to give it up.

"Brother he talks about that during every assembly at the beginning of the year," Benny told him. "Don't you ever listen to those?" He asked. Before Dean could respond, the bell had gone off throughout the school, signaling that Dean's father was going to enter the room and call him to the front.

"Attention please!" Mark yelled to the people in the dining hall. Everyone in the room had gone silent as it was time for the drawing. "Thank you all for coming out and not sleeping in, today is a very special day, not only will we be celebrating the years since I started this school but my son, Dean will be selecting the next civilian to come out to Hunter's Academy," he continued. "When we do these drawings, we always pick the brightest, bravest, and strongest people who we believe have the ability to survive here," he kept going. "But amongst the number of civilians that go to this school only one can remain here, Dean would you please come up here and draw," The people in the dining room clapped as Dean got up from his table and made his way to the front where a large glass bowl sat with slips of paper.

Meanwhile, Sam Wesson and his mother, Sarah Wesson were in an apartment watching the live stream. His mother always hoped that he would get in the academy but Sam never believed it, the academy was mostly run by hunters, and it was rare for civilians to get accepted. Hell, half of them barely made it to the last month of training, either they died or they dropped out. Sam did actually know that the hunters, if successful, they'd get paid good money on every hunt they survived. While Sam wished he'd be able to go, his mother had cancer and they didn't have enough money to give her the treatment she needed. Even if he did get in, there was no way he would leave his mother despite it being a chance for a better life.

"Why do we always have to watch this?" Sam asked. "It's not like I'll get in,"

"You never know sweetheart," Sarah said. "You might be one of the lucky ones,"

"Or even if I did get in, I'll either be kicked out or drop out," Sam responded. "I don't think I'd even fit in with them,"

"Have faith Sammy," Sarah encouraged. "If it's meant for you it'll happen,"

"I have faith in most things Mom, just not hunting," Sam answered. He hadn't been around hunters much but they all seemed snobby, only caring about the monsters they killed not protecting the people. He also didn't like how some of them viewed a normal life as a weak way of living, but maybe just maybe that would change. The student on the tv reached into the glass ball and pulled out a slip of paper. Sam sighed thinking that this was a waste of his time and he should be focused on taking care of his mom.

"The civilian who is being invited to the academy is Samuel Wesson," for a few seconds he was sure he had heard wrong.

"Wait a sec...I got in?" Sam asked unsure what to say. Sarah was so proud and hugged her son.

"I'm so proud of you baby," Sarah said happily.

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