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The woods were oddly quiet. No singing birds, no small cracks of stepping on branches, no cool spring breezes. It was quiet. Team Kurenai lived in that quiet. Kiba was biting his teeth in anger but was wishing to seek redemption for his actions. Shino was his usual silent way but even his bugs were off put by how silent he truly was. No sound could be heard from him; not even his breathing and his steps from tree to tree were dampened from his bugs flying underneath his feet. Kurenai, holding in every last inch of strength and integrity she had as a sensei, was murderously concentrated, playing back the plan she made over and over. Neji was stoic. His face was cold as ice and showed no emotion. But his brain was thinking and moving constantly. He was confused and most importantly: scared. And Naruto was silent. More silent than Shino. And seemed even colder than Neji. He was even thinking what to say.

"Neji" he spoke with a mute tone.

"10 paces, we are close"

Naruto didn't say or do anything back. He went back to think on what to say when they arrive to the location. To her location.

They arrived soon enough to an abandoned rundown house in the middle of a plain in the forest. Kiba could smell a familiar smell which made him clench his teeth tighter and one unknown scent. Akamaru began to growl as walked closer to the entrance. Kurenai hide behind a tree as the team walk to the door and slowly open it. Looking inside, they saw two figures, sitting down on the floor with the only light sources being by candles places to the sides of the walls. Black cloaks with bright red clouds could be seen from the weak candle light and two straw hats layed beside the two figures.

"We were wondering when you would arrive. You all seemed slow to your usual self. Not surprised that Sensei Kurenai stayed back"

A faint laugh could be heard from the figure that spoke as the other stayed in silence. The figure that first spoke stood, their back still facing the team.

Her lavender hair, highlighted by warm reds and oranges, danced on her back. Perfectly cleaned and cut and kept. Her black cloak covered her arms completely and went down to the middle of her calves. She wore dark purple sandals that showed no sign of dirt or dust.

The team held their breaths, scared by the two strong presence and aura that the two figure expelled. Naruto took the initiative and walked in first, followed by everyone. There they stood, staring at the standing purple haired figure and the still standing dark figure, in the darkest on the poorly light house. Neji went to speak but held himself back. Naruto was too caught up trying to find the right words that Kiba was the first to speak.


The word barely echoed as it held no power. His weak and pathetic voice failed on him as he tried to express his emotions. Hinata chuckled at his attempt. She responded with a single handsign.

Suddenly, the candles blew up in burst of fire, lighting the entire wooden house in a sec. Kurenai, outside, saw the whole house exploded into fire and could hear her team coughing at the smoke. But she had to stay. She wasn't ready yet.

The team were cough, covering their mouths and eyes to protect from the ashes and smoke of the house fire.

"Let me show you what I've learned this past years"

A delicate yet venomous voice spoke from the fire, overpowering the sounds of cracking wood. With no time to process what was said to themselves, the team was blown back and out of the house fire. They were covered in ash, still coughing out the last bit of smoke that was forcing shoved into their lungs. Slowly recovering, Naruto opened his eyes towards the house fire. It was massive and the smoke was already rising to the sky, covering the white clouds with black ones. It was a smoke signal. Terror was here. Naruto looked down at where the entrance used to be only to find the two figures, now completely out into the sunlight to be seen by their burning eyes.

Naruto One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora