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The sight made his stomach turn in disgust...

- 3 hours before-

They had just made it through the broken window after just narrowly getting past the security, that was surrounding the recently shut down asylum. This was no ordinary asylum though, much darker things then what you could ever imagine happened here. With all of the stories that were known that went on in a place like this, it is said to be haunted, by not only the patients but also some of the cruel doctors that performed the awful experiments.

Out of all six of them, Sam, Corey, Josh, Seth, Colby, and Elton, only Sam was smart enough to do a complete, full research on the abandoned asylum. The rest only looked at a few of the details and major events that went down. Between the conditions and treatment that patients had to go through to some of the most inhumane experiments tested on them, this place for sure gave off a bad, dark vibe from the first moment the boys stepped through the window. Sam could tell something would happen tonight, but he just didn't know what. He wished, later on, that he never found out.

As they were walking around the sub-basement, where the library was held, Sam remembered reading about a secret door that could lead to hidden labs/operation rooms where the deranged doctors would run illegal experiments on unsuspecting patients. As this was the last place they hadn't explored yet, the boy's decided to stay there longer to try and find this hidden door no one else had yet to discovered. After about another hour of looking for anything out of place, Seth finally found it. 

It took all of them to try to pry, push and pull to get the door open. Once they got the heavy door mostly open, open enough for all of them to get through without THAT much trouble, Seth, Sam, and the rest of the boys made their way down a long, dark, creepy hallway that led to two big operating rooms. 

One of the doors seemed to be stuck, so they decided to check out the other room, considering the door was already open. Finding that most of the supplies was still in the spot where the doctors or nurses had set them down for the last time, still remained untouched all around the deserted room. Something about it was unnerving to see.

Turning to the closed door, Corey, Colby, and Elton worked together to body check the door to try and get it unstuck. The boys were successful, but after they found what was inside, they wished they had never even stepped foot inside the abandoned building that night. 

The first thing they came across was this dreading feeling falling over them. Then came the smell, this awful, disgusting odor leaked out of the newly opened door. Right when the boys recoiled from the smell, an ear shattering scream came from not only the room in front of them, but the room next to them and down the hall. The sound was surrounding them. But as quick as the scream came, it was gone. 

By now, all of the boys, even Elton, were wanting to run out of there. But something was stopping them, some unseen force was drawing then closer to the room. Sam was the closest to the door, so he was the first to see the most horrific thing he has ever seen in his entire life. The sight made his stomach turn in disgust...


This was a short story that I wrote for a class back in high school. If it is requested by people, I have the rest of the story in mind that could be added and make this into an actual short story. Of course, there would be some changes to the original writing as to make it longer, but I am willing to write it if that is something people want to read. 

This also wasn't so much supposed to be a fanfic, but I get my inspirations from things that I see... or in this case- watch. To be completely honest, I was only using their names for characters and not so much as their actual personalities, the one bright side to using them though is that some people know who everyone is that I mentioned in the story, so I didn't have to do a bunch of character layouts. 

Please let me know if this is something you want to see completed!

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