| Chapter 1 |

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waking up in my void of nothing everything was just fine i've not done anything after destroying underswap, but i think i'll go for a sit in outertale for a change of scenery.

as error was sitting on the edge of an island in outertale someone came up behind him and pounced on his back,
"hey blue, did dream bring you here?"
an all too memorable voice rang into errors ears, he was glitching out like crazy but managed to get out some words at least,
" Ink get off"
in a daze ink jumped off of him and starred at him in great confusion
"blue what's wrong are you still thinking about your au? "
now error being confused on why ink kept calling him blue stood up and walked away,

"stop playing this joke on me it's not funny ink"

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sorry for the chapter being so short and also not good i don't really care all taht much for it but i've managed to get a part out :)

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