This Is Some Fantasy Type Of Shananigan

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As star and the malphilindo are walking star had a strange feeling in the sky so she pulled out her orb to check the sky

As star and the malphilindo are walking star had a strange feeling in the sky so she pulled out her orb to check the sky

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Soon enough she saw a dragon soaring through the clouds its not just a's her dragon..."God what is it doing out here I made sure the door is locked!"she thought she turned to look at the trio" sorry guys I have to go deal with something"she excused herself and the trio understood they waved fair well to each other and parted ways star was now running still looking at her orb to keep track of her dragon"dang it twilight why do you have to do this to me"she thought aloud few minutes later her dragon landed in the nearby forest next to her so she started running in the forest little did she know somebody was following her.

Time skip

Soon she caught up with her dragon"Twilight!What are you doing out here!I told you to stay put!"she scolded her dragon the dragon whimpered causing star to gasp and cover her mouth" I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you it's just that you worried me..."star apologised to her pet dragon"come on let's get you back"star said getting on her dragons back and they soar through the sky soon after they arrived to their destination star ran up to the door and pull out a key from under her shirt

She then put it in the key hole and turn it hearing a click meaning it's unlocked she pushed the door open letting her dragon get in before closing and locking it again when she hid the key in her shirt feeling the cold metal on her skin she turne...

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She then put it in the key hole and turn it hearing a click meaning it's unlocked she pushed the door open letting her dragon get in before closing and locking it again when she hid the key in her shirt feeling the cold metal on her skin she turned around who she saw shocked her...its ASEAN... He is staring at her"was that your dragon?"he asked star turned away embarrassed " n-no..."she lied "1..."he counted "DAD WAIT!"she exclaimed "2..."he continued "don't count!"she begged "...2 1/2"he Warned"OK OK!IT'S MY DRAGON!"she gave in asean just stood there"a-asean..?"she asked getting worried asean just smirked and look at her clothing"your belt is a bit loose" he pointed to her belt star blushed in embarrassment and fixed it while asean laughed star threw a snow ball at his face but asean is unphased"I-"she got cut off by asean"death wish I see~?"he said smirking that ran chill down stars spine"I-I didn't mean to..."she tried to explain"Run"he said star didn't hesitate and teleported into her dragons room but soon she got dragged by....jesus its asean....she started to struggle "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!"star panicked she just hear asean laugh...thats new he never laughed like this but her thought was interrupted by him letting her go and getting pulled by her jealous dragon"Twilight!"she looked up at her dragon as asean chuckled and look up at her

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