10: Anastasis and Amnésie

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"Students and soon to be's of Angelus, we greet you a very pleasant evening. Tonight, the three top elites will be the opening speech,

Let us welcome, The Pride of Crosseart and the elite's top 2, Tyrespiel Lor' Crossear!!!."

The academy's council president presented the male whose in a very sour mood, with aching muscles. Wondering why? Well, Puccha, the fox-deliberately pushed him to his limits, reprimanding him about how he will defeat the goddess's son if he can't even wield his Rank to the fullest.

Last night, that sly fox took him in his dream and pushed him into training his spiritual body saying that his enemy is no other than the destruction itself and its magic was beyond the rank of Master's.

"How will you defeat the goddess's son if you are this weak?"

"Young Master, how did you manage to passed the Warrior Rank if your limbs are this jelly?"

"Have you ever thought that Owl can even level up? Or did it ever crossed your mind that Owl isn't actually an Owl?"

Well that- totally caught him offguard, he really didn't come to a conclusion that his Owl can even take his appearance to another level.

"Op much?"

"Hoot! Hoot!"

Owl frantically flapped his wings as if trying to catch the attention of his owner which he did. Tyrespiel glance at Owl with a question mark on top of his head.

"Hoot, hoot! HoooooOt!"

It keeps on hooting like a fucking chicken twacking around its wings violently. Tyrespiel grew an irk mark and slapped the shit out of Owl-as his head turned the other way with a dramatic hoot and anime tear streaming down his face looking back at Tyres with a terrified look.

"What? D'ya think I can understand you?"

He tched. The annoyance adding to his already sour mood all the while ignoring the still dramatic Owl flocking his wings side to side to attract the male's attention again.

But failing to do so, it huffed and puffed.

'You're cute but annoying so you are annoyingly cute heh'

Arriving at the stage, he took the mic infused with magic, floating infront of him. Inhaling softly, he put a poker face and said in a steady voice.

"You must be wondering, 'why is the next category scheduled tonight?', well to answer your question, activating your ranks is much more effective at night. Especially when the second moon appears beside the first moon."

Everyone looked at the sky in awe when they saw the visible outline of two Moons of Rafael,

The first moon shining brighter than the Second one; but the second one had three stars accompanying it which gleamed each second.

They said that long ago this two moons always appear together at night but when they witnessed the Goddess's death the second moon grew distant, eventually its appearance lessened,

They were the eyes of the Goddess then but now they wandered the night sky aimlessly,

The Goddess's left eye, the first Moon ─is the symbol of bravery, authority and glory: Bravery for knights, authority for the king, glory for the soldiers who fought in the war.

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