buck fell off a cliff (Part 2)

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bobby's pov

when I went over to go see how buck was doing it was all fine until I found that the man he was going down to rescue had a gun this was not called this was a murder mission but right when I was going to yell come back up all you heard was BOOM! BOOM! BOom! And then all you heard was buck scream in pain. 'I think he was shot in the shoulder, leg, and chest" I tell the team. And there were all in shock and then right after about 30 seconds later buck was about to pass out but then all you thread was BOOM! again but it didn't hurt buck it shot his rope and then it snapped and he was falling 50 feet from where the man was and then buck was unconscious so now I had to think of a plan to tell the team which you would think this would be easy because I have had many cases like this but not with buck because I treat him like he is my son like I am his stepdad and he is my stepson that I still look after because his parents don't want anything to do with him and Maddie but Maddie has chimney and buck has no one but now he has me but I had to think fast of what to do because the long ger he is down there the more damage is brought to him so so now I had to tell the team what to.

the team pov's

"Alright everyone gets your head back, in reality, we do this all the time but just because he is one of us doesn't mean this is different from all the other calls we have had so let's get going." cap said " alight right chimney and hen you start getting ready to go down and bring the medical stuff so you guys can help but be very careful and put you Bullert prove vest and pants on so if the gun goes off you guys should be fine but when you get down there but the gun in a bag but take the bullets out of the gun first so no one else gets shot and every else stand by in case something else happened and someone else gets hurts because soon

Buckley just get hurt just because/buddie momentsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ