Arianas fate

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We then
Suddenly hear a Big Bang come from inside the school and as I turned around to grab Peter he disappeared just then I seen Spider-Man swing to the top of the school and suddenly creep inside it was hard to resist walking straight into the school from the secret entrance because Spider-Man was my influence my crush Soon I managed to sneak off without any of the street walkers or police that just arrived on the scene noticing I sneak into the vent and manage to get to the cafeteria where I see Spider-Man fighting a villain I crawl from the floor vent and under the table and crawl a little closer to the action I see spider-Man web the villain to the ceiling the villain manages to get out and starts throwing tables at Spider-Man just then he picks up the table that I was under and throws it at Spider-Man The villain then notices me
And retains me I see Spider-Man jump up and he suddenly starts to tense up

 Two in a million  Arianna Thompson x Peter Parker  Where stories live. Discover now