!Christmas Art Competition 1 - Winners!

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Here are the winners! 

(I do not choose my friends as winners, so don't  blame me if my friend wins or something, bc it's not my fault my friends have art talents. Everyone has their own talent, so please don't hate on me for that. I chose these winners out of honesty)

3rd place goes to...


This art piece is amazing! I honestly LOVE it, I love the style, colours, EVERYTHING! It's just- m w a h

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This art piece is amazing! I honestly LOVE it, I love the style, colours, EVERYTHING! It's just- m w a h

2nd place goes to....


Where do I start- thsi is chefz kiz! It's so neat, clean, professional- AMAZING! And how u did it so quickly too! This has a lot of talent in it, like omg! It would take me YEARS to make it HALF this fabulous! I love it, keep up the good work willow!

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Where do I start- thsi is chefz kiz! It's so neat, clean, professional- AMAZING! And how u did it so quickly too! This has a lot of talent in it, like omg! It would take me YEARS to make it HALF this fabulous! I love it, keep up the good work willow!






*drum roll please*

1st place -

CrystalwingOC !

CrystalwingOC !

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This. Is. Better. Than. The. Monalisa. Honestly. I have no clue HOW you got to this level of talent! The shading, limes, colours- just EVERYTHING! I would probably pay for this lol! This  is just- AAA so good, I can't- Then there's me who can't even draw a straight line! Like HOWW! You deserve first place ^^


Congrats to EVERYONE! I loved all of the art, and I'm so surprised at the talent you guys have! It's incredible!

I hope u all have an AMAZING day and MERRY Christmas, and LOVELY week! I love you all so much, and remember, you have a lot of talent no matter what <3

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