Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"What?" Neil asks.

"Who was it? Who was in your dream? Was it me?" Audrey grins.

"What? Euw! No. tsk, it's none of your business." Neil snapped.

He could see the hurt in her eyes when he said euw. Audrey nods slowly. "I guess I'll never get the chance to be with you then. What was that whole make out session then? Was I just your toy? Did you use me?" Audrey asks, her voice breaking.

"I... I love you, Audrey." Neil says and before he could continue, Audrey replies "I love you too munchkin" excitedly jumping up and down. Suddenly, he sees a figure walking out from the resident's lounge and stomping her feet. She was wiping her tears. She continues to sob, and she goes to the staircases and sat down sobbing.

"Shit" Neil muttered. "No, not like that. I mean I love you as a friend, nothing more. Audrey we've been friends for God knows how long. Please stop this. Stop all this. That night... that night was a mistake. I was drunk and you out of all people, should know. You could've pulled away, but you didn't. I thought... ugh. I thought you were someone else..."


Claire is crying her eyes out. They confessed. They confessed. I heard right. I know I did. That... that woman... Audrey, Audrey took him away from me. Claire says to herself. As she was crying, she felt his hand on her shoulder. Those soft hand on her shoulder, squeezing her. "I'm sorry. I know I would find you here. What.... What you heard was uh... was not uh" Neil calmly says but before he could continue, Claire cuts him and say, "I know you love her. Don't need to explain. I heard what I heard. Your eyes... her eyes... lit up every single time you are with each other. I... I love you." "I lo..." Neil says, and Claire cuts him, "You don't have to say it back out of pity." She stood up and left him. Before she walks back inside the hospital, "Oh, you're invited to the brewery tonight. Glassman said he would come but he has a surgery tonight. You're alone pup."

Neil feels as if his skin is being torn open. It is as if he has an open wound that cannot be healed. He can't let this keep happening between them. "I love you too, Claire. You'll be okay." Neil says aloud. Alex heard his confession, and he went down to him and punches him in the face.

"You are out of line, Dr Park!!" Neil shouts.

"What? So, you're allowed to hurt Claire but I can't hurt that arrogant face of yours?" Alex snapped.

"You are being ridiculous! You will do scut work from now on!" Neil says back, almost wanting to punch him back.

"What will you tell people hm? Make me do scut work then what? Oh, are you gonna tell them that I hurt your little boo boo face? Or are you going to say that you have been behind every reason that Claire cries? Or will you say that Claire hasn't been able to focus much because you keep messing up? You keep f**king with her? Do you know how much hurt she has to go through every single day?" Alex shouts.

"Are you threatening me, Dr Park?" Neil questions.

"Right, work aside. Man to man. Would you like if someone did that- whatever it is did you do to Claire, to your daughter? Would you want your daughter to end up with a man like you? A jerk, a jackass and quit being a d*ck Neil!!" Alex argues.

Neil nods and throws a punch onto Alex's face. The move was unexpected therefore Alex couldn't move away.

"What the hell?!" Alex shouts in his face.

"What? It's only fair that we both have bruises and then we come up with a story that we were play fighting and then we threw a real punch at each other." Neil innocently says.

They both fell into laughter then Alex suddenly gets serious again, "That doesn't mean you are off the hook, Neil. You better buck up and settle whatever it is between you and Claire. I hate seeing her life miserable." Neil nods in agreement.

As Neil walk back to his office, Audrey notices the bruise on his face. "Neil what the f**k?"

"What?" Neil asks innocently.

"Who did this?" Audrey asks, slightly annoyed.

"Like I said, none of your business." Neil says.

"What? I'm only trying to help and be a friend here, why are you pushing me away and what the hell? Are we going to be like this from now on? Frenemies?" Audrey snaps.

"No. It doesn't have to be like this, but you just stay out of my way, and we'll be good. Audrey, I thought you were better than Jessica. I thought I could count on you." Neil snaps back.

"Wow. Never thought that you would say that- I... I was only being nice. I know you think I am the same as Jessica. I was there with you Neil. Every part of your way. You were recovering and I was there all long. You never for once, said thank you. That arrogant ass of yours couldn't accept anyone's help. You know what? I am done! Jessica was with you, wasn't she? Why not go and find her!" Audrey says, holding her tears. Audrey walks out leaving Neil alone in his office. She walked passed Alex and notices a bruise on his face too. She shakes her head smiling and said, "I hope it made you feel good punching him in the face. I wished that I had someone like you to look out for my back." Alex understood what she meant straight away and smiles at her.


It was 8pm which means Neil has to head off to the brewery. He feels like he has to see Claire before he goes. He doesn't know why but he is very certain he has to see her. The feeling of losing her forever haunts him. He isn't ready to lose her. Never.

He walks out of his office catching Glassman. "Dr Melendez." Aaron greets. "Dr Glassman." Neil nods. "I cannot make it tonight. You're alone tonight. Sorry." Aaron says. Neil nods and give him a small smile. Neil walks in the elevator only catching Claire inside.

"Dr Melendez." Claire greets. "Dr Browne." A small smile forming on his lips.

"Listen. I am sorry for what Alex did... not sorry but still. He shouldn't have. But he did. But you deserved it." Claire says.

"Listen, I am sorry for what I did. To you. I..." Before Neil was able to say anything, Claire pressed her lips on his. Neil kisses her back and deepens the kiss. As they break the kiss, Neil says "Damn. Baby that was hot!" Claire laughed.

The elevator dings and Neil walks out feeling proud of himself. He gets himself to the brewery and gets greeted by Martha and her wife. As he sat at the bar, a familiar touch of hand rests on his shoulder and giving him a quick peck on the cheeks.

"Surprised to see you here, baby." Neil says. He turns to her wanting to give her a kiss, his jaw clenched and his fist forming.

"What? Not you!! Stay out of my way and don't come near me! Just... just leave me alone!!!" Neil practically shouts.


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