Day 6-Twins Route 3

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Well, Dolores went to go help Luke and Fern with their community. That leaves Mary Jane and I in the bunker alone.

Considering her "condition", I thought about giving her a first aid kit. But...she looks fine despite the awkward shade of purple and...the goblin like features.

Damn you, Soviets! You made our daughter mutate... Somehow.

"I'm going to ask, why are you purple." Ted had stared intently at his daughter with a look of confusion.

Mary Jane's voice now gruff and raspy responded, "I ate some mushrooms I found." There was a pause. I was hungry. The soup rations the other day wasn't enough."

"Look at the cans of Soup. Look at the water. Right now we only have enough to last us a few more weeks."

Mary Jane and I sat for hours in silence for hours.



"Alright that should be plenty of wood!" Luke wiped his brow, "Surprised these trees withstood the blast."

Dolores tossed the axe to the side. She was distressed. She still hadn't found Timmy. Fern noticed Dolores' attitude, "Dolores, we will find your son, I promise. Luke and I have been all around Atomville since the blast." She explained, "You guys have earned a spot in our new community. So when we find him, we will make sure he is safe and sound, then come back for you  and the rest of your family."

Dolores actually mustered up a smile and thanked Fern. "Thank you Fern."

She smiled back. "You're welcome, bow lets get you back to the safety of your bunker.

After a small journey back, Dolores was back in the bunker. And her entire demeanor changed. She didn't want to be there, still she shared the good news with Ted and Mary Jane.

Ted was excited. "This is great news!!"

"What about Timmy?" MJ butt into the conversation like she always does.

Dolores was not only trying to process the sound of Mary Jane's voice, but her appearance now. Its gotten worse. "Luke and Fern are gonna be on the lookout..."

Thus another day ends in the bunker.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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