Main Story

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THE BOY LOOKED CLOSE TO NINE TO TEN YEARS IN AGE. His piece of clothing painted over him like a dress, the rips on the clothing exposed his arms. His hair was dirtied in the mud and his face was smothered with grime and filth, his feet had a layer of muck over the cuts possibly made by rocks on the ground, it looked like the injury didn't hurt him. His breathing was steady, him sleeping soundly without a cautious mindset of the world.

The boy's eyelashes wrinkled from the piercing side he slept on. His expression became stiff, the lonely pain was familiar with him. The stench of the ground didn't calm him nor did the roughness of the dirt stir him awake. His hand cradled his feet, his mind started to feel a dark presence appear all over him. He felt the presence nearing closer to him. The boy was too deep in his eery dream to be aware. His eyes started to see the hollow color of his tent.

The child jolted awake, he gasped and never stopped his shaky breathing. He sat upright while clutching his chest, his palm gently pressed against his head. His eyes were filled with water, it was blurring as the unavoidable tears clouded him. His palms wore a pattern of red nail prints digging into his hand. His legs felt wobbly, he could barely feel the fat and only bone. The child didn't need to be composed, he was already drowning in this wall of anxiety that he built.

All while thinking to himself, there was no sound that could be heard from outside. There was no laughter, there was no chatter. It was like he was surrounded by a surprise waiting for him once he opens the doors of his tent. It was waiting patiently for him, strangely.

The child's teeth quivered, and his hands hardened from the wispy cold. His head popping out of the comfort of his home, to indeed find a night sky. His eyes widened and he froze in his place.

The alluring moon was pulling at him. The town was gloomy, filled in dull colors. This uncanny feeling of the outside weirdly fascinated him. The boy held his breath, both hands covering his nose from the smell of rotten blood. The air was noticeably heavy and suffocating, it was hard to suck in air when their wasn't any.

The boy felt like fainting from it, he looked down to his curled legs. The ground that he sat on felt wet from the rain, it was slippery between his bottom and the floor. He shrieked all of a sudden, the nasty smell invading his nose and the blood that stained his thighs. The blood was accumulating from where he sat.

The child panicked. He instantly rushed away from his tent. The blood stain seeped through him behind his legs. The thin fabric didn't make an attempt to capture all of the blood, it crawled down his skin. He turned his back on the tent with his nose shut, he was beyond terrified seeing his home drowned in dark red. The ground was now wet and dirty.

It was everywhere. The roof's of small huts were slashed in ugly red paint, that revolting color was spread across the ground and the dead bodies scattered. The bodies were bathed in their blood, their body parts butchered up and eaten like animal meat. The boy was surrounded in the devastating scene.

This whole town became a spectacle for the demons.

His voice wouldn't come out, his tears were like runoff that spewed uncontrollably. He never stopped backing away, to think he would eventually hit a wall and hide behind it. He was completely paralyzed in the thought of people dying.

Behind him, a pile of bodies and a skewered hand was standing at the top. Every part of the town was like a trash dump.

Looking at it, he still felt alone like he did when everyone was still alive. It was incomprehensible that they had actually died in reality, however, the feeling of being isolated stayed the same. It was just that now, god had been making preparations to turn the boy's imagination to real life. The child's shoulders scrunched up, even at the slightest touch he might disintegrate.

𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝑾𝒆𝒊 𝑾𝒖𝒙𝒊𝒂𝒏Where stories live. Discover now