Special chapter

370 10 7

Merry Christmas Eve
(btw I'm this chapter we're gonna act like everything's okay no one's died as far as we know in this chapter)

"Y/n y/n Y/N"
I woke from my sleep to Mikey shaking me awake

"What is it Mikey" I say rubbing my eye with the palm of my hand

"Tomorrow is Christmas and we need to prepare" Mikey says sitting on my floor

I sat up in my bed

"What do you mean prepare Mikey" I asked him as I looked at him on the floor

"What do you mean Mikey" Mikey says in a mocky girlie voice

I rolled my eyes

"You don't know" he says

"Know what" I say rasing my eyebrow

Mikey glanced around my room as if he was making sure no one heard him

"Santa is coming tonight" he said as blush formed on his cheeks

"Ooh how could I forget" I yelled jumping out of bed and getting some pj pants on and running out the door

Mikey followed

"Where are you going n/n" he said running after me

"We need to make cookies, invite everyone over, get snacks, get more gifts" I said as I rushed around the kitchen

"Ooh okay let's get Emma she'll make the cookies" Mikey says as he thinks about it

Every year mikey baji and y/n always wait for Emma to make the cookies then when she leaves they eat them all

Idk why tho

"Go wake her Mikey" I say as he is about to run upstairs
"Wait I'll do it you just put on your shoes okay" I said with a smile

Mikey wakes people up by yelling and I don't want him waking her that way

Mikey goes to put his shoes on as I go to Emma's room

"Emma" I say as I lightly knock on the door
"Are you awake" I say as I await for an answer
I'll open the door and wake her

I went in the room and gently shook her awake
"Emma it's Christmas Eve and you got to make the cookies please" I say as I see her eyes flutter open

"Good morning n/n" Emma says with a smile
"Good morning to you Emma" I say smiling
"Me and Mikey are going to go to the store and get the ingredients and presents" I say

Emma didn't really like doing much in the morning so we usually go to the store

"Okay" Emma says sitting up in her bed
I was about to say something but I forgot I was supposed to be doing something

"N/N!! Hurry up" Mikey whined from the kitchen

"Sorry Emma we'll be back" I say leaving her room
"Bye bye" she says

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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