Chapter 8 - Revenge

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Chapter 8 - Revenge

It had been weeks since the package arrived, I hadn't told anyone.

It had been like a weight, at first. But as time moved on, more and more had begun to arrive, they began to become a part of my life and play a part in my relationships with people, especially Mike.

The first few packages had been vicious, I had received nails, baby teeth and hair. All of those containing warnings, forbidding me to go anywhere near Mike.

Later, my admirer started admiring, mainly because I had slowly severed all the ties I had left with Mike and was now alone, I had successfully avoided him for two weeks, my actions hadn't gone unnoticed, by both Mike and Layla.

"What are you doing?" hissed Layla, digging her nails into my arm as she dragged me to the janitor's room, away from another awkward situation with Mike. She ignored the weird looks we got from people and glared at anyone that got in our way.

She pulled me into the small room and slammed the door closed behind us, before switching on the lights before giving me a look I had prayed never to be on the other side of.

"If you don't watch your attitude, you're going to mess everything up." She growled, her attitude caused anger to surge through my veins and my heart to beat faster, I hated the way she thought the world revolved around her and I damn well wasn't going to tolerate it.

"Calm the hell down Beyoncé, you do not get to talk to me like that." I growled back, pulling my arm out of her grip and giving her a look that could kill a nation, if it was possible.

"Last time I checked, you weren't the one getting parcels filled with meat threatening you to stay away from Mike." I hissed, venomously. Watching as her expression went from angry to shock in a matter of milliseconds.

She let out a sigh before running her finger through her hair, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

"You're getting them too?"


"I got them when me and Mike were first going out." Layla explained, fear evident in her pretty little features, she twirled a couple of strands of her silky hair around her finger.

We had left school, the idea had sounded absolutely idiotic to me, but Layla had persuaded me that it would be safe to be out in the open, whilst our peers are in school studying, in case they're the mysterious psychopath sending us parcels.

You can't really argue with that logic.

"Um... I broke up with him, after a month of him constantly begging, I caved in and told him about the creep, he said he'd protect me." Layla shrugged.

"But then, one night I was out alone, I kept ringing him b-but he wouldn't pick up..."

"That was the night he cheated on me, with my best friend."

"That was also the night where someone dragged me into the alley a-and tried to touch me... I fought them off but I still have a scar from where he cut me when I screamed." She summarised quickly, staring intensely at her thumbs whilst she twiddled them.

"That's why I want revenge so bad, he didn't protect me, he lied." She finished off, wiping the stream of tears running down her cheek.

"And we're gonna get it." I ended, getting up out of my chair, wincing slightly at the sound of my chair scraping against the floor.

"But not from Mike, we're finding out who this fucker is."


Yes, I know this isn't much, but honestly? After the drop in votes you guys don't exactly deserve more and should be grateful for what you get.

I'm not messing around now, 5 votes or no update. Nada. I don't even care if I have to wait a year, I'll just write for myself, I mean. I've been doing it for years.

So if you want an update, tell your friends about this book, get me more readers and get me those 5 votes because I expect nothing less.

Enjoy this crappy chapter! Even I'm disappointed in it and I work damn hard to please. Enjoy it, because you ain't getting anything better till I hit those votes

Thank you.


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