The Final Battle

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Peter's POV:

So Thanos just threw me making me cut myself on some debris.Then I got up and saw that Cap and Thor were knocked out I was on my own so I looked ahead and saw a giant army and Thanos looking surprised and he said "Don't you ever quit."
"No it's kind of a habit." Then I told Karen to activate instant kill that's when I saw Nat and she walked over to me and I said "Weather we win or die just know I love you." She blushed and she said "I was gonna say the same to you spider-boy." That's when a orange spark appeared and Tony Strange walked through and Tony said "let's do this." Then every superhero that got snapped came back it was the most awesome feeling ever then when everyone was ready I said "HEY NUTSACK CHIN!! IT'S TIME FOR ROUND TWO BITCH!!!" Then people laughed then we charged. I jumped up and shot a web and one of them dinosaur flying things and swung on top of one and I scanned for weak spots and the Parker luck struck again it was in the mouth so I got my nano tech arms and stabbed them through the mouth then I stabbed it in the eyes killing it it crashed just in front of Nat and she said "Wow you just said that you loved me.So you try to crush me." I chuckled and replied " Well I couldn't really fly it you know." Then I got off and saw that Tony was about to get hit by this weird buff alien so I webbed his back and pulled him to the floor and Ant-man crush him -ouch- then Mr Stark pulled me into a hug and said "I knew you would be the one to do it."
"Well I only learn from the best." I replied then we pulled away and Nat said "please someone help please" then I ran over and saw she was getting overwhelmed by space dogs so I said "instant kill activate." I went over and killed all of them and she looked at me and said "My spider hero." and kissed me I kissed her back.Then my spider sense went off and I turned to the infinity gauntlet in my hands then I said "We need to get the stones back so Scott where is your ugly brown van." He pulled the keys out and he and wasp went over a hot wired it when it was running I started to swing over to it then I was hit by the missals raining down and then I almost got hit but the blast broke 4 ribs and burnt my face only from my left cheek to my nose over my eye.Then I see captain marvel and she takes the infinity gauntlet but I don't trust her so I web her feet and she flys towards the time machine then Thanos throws his sword at the machine and I go flying to Nat then my mask comes off and she says "Pete your face it's b..burnt." I feel it then she kissed my face and I chuckled then I saw Thanos with the infinity gauntlet i shot up turned my mask on and said "I love you so much." Then I ran and webbed him in the face then kicking and punching for my life because well I was the last line of defence I made him bleed a lot and he said "Your good but I'm better." He then grabbed me and he smashed me into the floor over and over then i webbed the stones with out him noticing I faked being knocked out so he threw me on top of a broken ship that was pointed to the sky on a angle.I stood up to see a bloody Thanos and everyone's faces down and I heard Thanos say "I am.....inevitable." Clink clink he looked at the glove to see the stones gone everyone was looking for them then I stood on the broken ship and looked over everyone then everyone looked up at me (I looked badass) Thanos looked scared Tony was trying to get me to stop and Nat was screaming no no then everyone looked including me at strange to see if this was how it was supposed to happen then he nodded his head in disappointment then I heard Nat say "NO NO PLEASE." Then Thanos said "He won't." Then with all the infinity stones I looked at the stones and looked at Nat then mouthed sorry then looked at Thanos and said "And" Bang
Everything went white then when everything cleared up I saw Thanos and his army turning to dust then Thanos said "Fair play Parker." Then he turned to dust that's when the pain kicked in all throughout my body I dropped down next a broken ship and sat there that's when Mr Stark came and put his hand on my head and said "Thank you for giving us hope and for being a son to me." I looked at him and smiled everyone said there goodbye's then Nat was last she looked at me and we made I contact I said "I'm sorry." Then she cried more and said "Pete don't be.We're gonna be okay.You can rest now." Then i thought about and closed my eyes people began to walk away that's when I turned my backup nanotech mask up and started to get up and Nat heard and said "Pete stop just stop your just suffering." People heard and turned to see me standing up by myself I replied with a badass "This is not how I die." Tony turned to strange and he was all ready checking time lines and strange said "I couldn't find one where this happens this is a new one meaning this was a one time thing in any universe.But I will need to check your injuries Peter." I replied "Nah my self heal has got it."




Nat's POV:
So me and Peter have been dating since he snapped he still has scars from the snap but we now live in the compound and he owns the avengers because 1 Steve and Tony have a family's and 2 he snapped but he said anyone could be in or out if you were good enough the rule was is that you had to beat him in sparring no one has joined but we had decided to take more missions as a duo and we became the Black-Spiders.




Peter's POV:
Me and Nat have retired and settled to have children we had 3,two twin girls and one boy. Henry was my son and his fighting style in training was mine and he is 15 and the girls Jessica and Rosy(they were 17) fought like Nat but the main goal was to make sure they had a better childhood then me and Nat.We told them that if they wanted to be heroes they had to start at 21 and they had to hide their faces. The funniest thing about being retired is that I wasn't really retired I would go out to swing every 2 days Nat would get mad but forgive me if I cuddled for a hole day I didn't mind though.
But we are happy and that's what matters.

They lived happily ever after

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